Will Robots Turn On Us? What’s the Future of AI?

Author: Stefan Adam

Science fiction movies have predicted a lot of things that have been happening recently - the advancement in technology - but the question is whether the gruesome facts will be true to their nature as well?

As most of the things from science fiction movies are coming true and even the Simpsons predicting some terrifying things, we are in horror to what Artificial Intelligence has in store for us.

Sci-Fi movies from within the past century have predicted some out of the top technologies that we somehow believed in them but didn’t really think that they would be this close in becoming a thing. Movies like terminator showed the robots turning on us - in what turns out to be an apocalyptic future is where we think that is it really our future.

Artificial Intelligence alongside the Internet of Things has made some big promises and even today we are witnessing the making of the future that we only saw in movies, played in games, or read about in the books.

AI is focusing on giving the robots or the things we created a mind of their own and this will eventually result in them thinking the same thoughts as we do. Here’s the interesting thing, if humans can turn on humans with the prison built for the same purpose, the robots are meant to be more powerful with strong steel structure then what will be stopping them in turning against us?

Internet of Things is another cool concept that is on the verge of making all the things impressively connected. These things are connected over the internet meaning the world is bound to be immersive. Thinking creatively, we can see that the robots will also be able to control the things via the internet. Oooh, impressive! Or scary?!

Robots with the power to control our homes and our lifestyle and with a mind of their own are pretty crazy for the thought, but it is how it is. Things are going to get crazy in the coming decades as these technological concepts spread in our near environment and here’s to getting to the real question: will robots turn on us?

Yes, no, maybe. Personally speaking, I have a creative mind and there are some things going around here and there, meaning I do believe that something shady is bound to happen. I mean if we look at the evolution of technology, there have been viruses, hackers, and things that have always backfired and there is a reason we keep on getting security updates.

So yes, I do believe that robots can and maybe one day will eventually turn against us but maybe not to the extent of saying that all of them. Like a Wall-E movie, some robots will be loyal and friendly till the end of time, and those who turn against us, maybe we’ll do something on the lines of robot prisons or executions.

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