Why most of startups are failed

Author: Rohit Kaurav

Startups are the life the business industry because in startups having very different concepts of the business and they have the ability to change the world and many more.

What are the startups?

The startup is the kind of business that start with new or old business concept. The startup is introduced by their business by the new invented company. The startups having the ability to prove our self by introducing the company that is not only able to adopt a new concept but also able to help the business industry that already dominated by big companies.

Why the startups are needed?

Startups are the life of the business cycle. Its helps to introduce the new technology or the old concept in the new way that makes the life easy of people. Startups are helped the business industry to introduce the new way of concept that is not used before. Most of the startups are on the basis of the new way of concept that not present before.

Why most of the startups is getting fail?

Most of the startups are getting fail because several of the reason where the startups are not managing properly. They are coming in the market with excellent new concepts but they face many of challenges that give the bad effects for their growth. There are several resign like

1. Not having a proper business plan

Most of the startups are going to fail because they have not proper business plane. This is one of major points that not survive many of the startups. A proper business plan helps the startups to make progress but unfortunately, they are not implemented properly. For this problem, the startups need to help of business startup consultant and fallow the suggestion properly.

2. Target market research

Many of the startups are going to fail because they don’t know properly what the target market for their business is. They do market research but not doing this properly. In target market research having many of the points that help to make a clear business plane. The startups are not using the target market resect properly reason for that they are completely analysis their target customers so their business sales are decreasing and they maintain this.

3. Lack of sufficient fund

The many startups are going too failed because they haven’t proper fund for doing them properly are run their business effectively. The proper fund is the life of the business and the startups facing a lot of problems for getting funds. Without fund very difficult to run any business and the startups are not maintaining properly for this. For example, a website design company not having sufficient fund for providing salary, manage expenses, marketing activity and a lot.

4. Lack of marketing

Marketing is the first and foremost important part of any business, many of the startups are getting fail in marketing because they haven’t any much idea about for this or they haven’t proper resources for the digital marketing. Marketing is the base of any new business even that business in the boning haven’t any customer’s bases. In now a day a lot of marketing is a very important factor in attracting the customers to their services.

5. Quality of the services

From the beginning of the startups, the company is not much aware of their business services quality so this provides a very bad impact in front of customers. The quality does not help business growth but also helps to make startups as a brand. They are losing the quality of the service because they have not proper resources and knowledge.

Finally, the startups need to implement all of the basic and most important points that help their business in many ways. For this, they help to CA in Mumbai for making good business plane and make a proper strategy of the investment.