Mistakes That Will Make You Call For Plumbing Services!

Author: Ford's Plumbing & Heating

There are many common plumbing mistakes that people do, making them call the plumber. Shockingly, people are still unaware of the plumbing blunders that they should avoid.

Especially, the people of south-land are seemingly quite obsessed with plumbers and are in plumbing crises every other day. Living in Los Angeles for a decade now, I have the number of a plumber on my speed dial, but now I have learned a lesson regarding certain things that you should avoid if you do not want to kiss your hard-earned money goodbye and hand it to a plumber!

So, here is a list of common plumbing blunders, you should ignore:

Don’t treat your garbage disposal as a trash compactor!

Sorry, to burst your bubble but don’t take the name garbage disposal for granted, not everything belongs to the garbage disposal, in fact, most of it does not belong to the garbage disposal. So stop treating it like a trash compactor!

Plumbers in Los Angeles have to remove items like potato peels, watermelon rinds to free the blades of garbage disposal. Make sure you do not dump down everything in a garbage disposal, especially greasy oily food is a big No-No!

Putting weight on Fixtures!

It is another horrible mistake done by people. Plumbers of Los Angeles have just one request to people that don’t put too much weight on the plumbing fixtures like taps, showers heads. People often put a heavy toothbrush stand or shampoo stand on shower heads, which may cause plumbing issues. Plumbing fixtures are not meant for keeping weight.

Flushing Everything down the toilet

You should be clear that toilets flush are just made to flush down human waste and toilet papers! That is it, nothing more.

But people try to examine the capacity of their toilet flush by flushing down things like matchbox, toys, and cigarettes! If things get trapped into the waste line of your toilet, then it gets blocked and it’s time to call for plumbing services in Los Angeles!

Dumping Construction Material in Drain

It is a silly thing to do. You may have successfully painted and renovated a room in your house, but if you have done the most common mistake done by people of throwing all the construction wastage down the drain, then sorry to say, but you have now a new project in hand!

Plumbing experts tell that though the solid wastage of construction remains in the drainpipe, resulting in hardening and blocking the drain.

Turning on Newly installed Water Heater

Some homeowners can't wait to turn on their new electric water heater and put it to work. But just because the pipes are attached doesn't mean it's immediately ready for use. If the water heater is turned on before it's full of water, it can burn up.

So, these are the common plumbing mistakes to avoid appointments with plumbers. Hiring the professional plumbing services in Los Angeles will not only provide you with the quick repairs of the plumbing damages but you can also get valuable advice from the experts to maintain the plumbing system.