How to properly implement Technical SEO?

Author: Ip Media

Technical SEO Contains various factors that need to consider while doing SEO for better ranking.

  • Page Speed- 100 ms of page load time can reduce 1% of the sale. Page speed comes in the top ten SEO ranking factors. Use simple templates and less number of plugins for good loading speed. More elements on the page need a longer time to load. Limit the size of your images and the number of redirects.
  • Broken Links- Broken links on your website are harmful and derank your website. you should periodically check the broken links of your site and fix them. The best way to detect these errors is by using Google Webmaster Tools.
  • Preferred Domain- The first thing is that you need to register your domain to the Google Webmaster and verify your website. Use www are preferred more as compared to the HTTP version.
  • Mobile Friendliness- According to the Google Mobile-First Indexing approach, it is necessary to make a responsive website that can adjust itself automatically according to the size and navigation. your mobile website should load in less than 6 seconds and the best option for this is AMP Pages.
  • Sitemap accessibility- This is an XML file that lists all the pages or posts on your website. This file is used for crawling by google bots. Always make sure that your Sitemap is updated when you publish a new page. Use Google search console for better optimization of your Sitemaps.
  • Optimize URL Structure- Revise your URL structure by making them short and descriptive. Use target keywords in the URLs for better ranking and avoid using unnecessary words. Always optimize URLs while publishing new content.
  • Optimize Robot.txt- This is used to give instructions to the search engine that which page they can crawl and index. Be ensure that it is not used in wrong place.
  • Website Structure- Google also checks the website structure while indexing the pages of the site. For that, your category pages should be properly optimized. A defined structure help Google to understand the most and least important content of your website.
  • Breadcrumbs- Breadcrumbs are used to navigate the pages of your site from start to end. It also tells Google about the structure of your site that is why they are highly recommended by Google.
  • Structured Data- Structured data is a code for search engines to make them understand the context of your content. It is used for the good presentation of your listing and increases CTR.
  • Optimize Canonical URLs- Canonical tag is used to avoid duplicate content issues and tell Google that which page to index. As a general rule, you should specify a canonical URL for all your website pages.
  • Optimize 404 Page- This Page occurs when the URL is no more exist on your Website. you need to tell visitors that the page is no longer exist and navigate them to the original page.
  • SSL and HTTPS- Security is very important for any site that is why SSL is used to make your site HTTPS from HTTP. HTTPs is a very big ranking factor because it helps in enabling the trust to users.
  • Pagination- Pagination is when you want to break up your long page into shorter pages. This is used to avoid duplicate content issues and consolidated links. With that, you can tell Google that this page is the continuation of the main page with the help of rel=" next" and rel=" prev" tags.
  • Multi-lingual Website- This is used when your site is in more than one language. It helps to provide the right content to the users and avoid duplicate content while indexing.
  • Optimize 301 redirects- Redirect is the act of sending users and crawlers to different URL from the original page and that original page is no longer exist.
  • Optimize CSS and Java Scripts- Another way of improving page load speed is reducing unnecessary CSS code. Ensure that your CSS code is loaded before the rest of the page.