How much important future expansion of Mobile Marketing with Location based services?

Author: Piyush Jain

The Smartphone market and user are growing day by day as we head into the 2014. According to Pew Survey more than half of the United States population own a smartphone and users are spending an average of two hours per day on their smartphone for playing games, social media interaction and buying/selling on ecommerce. Now days, large portion of smartphone users are playing with mainly social media application and buying product online and where location based services are playing a key role for real time communication and get deals and offer by online retailers. For Online Retailers and mobile marketers who are expanding their business by using location based services. There are several beautiful Geo location enabled apps, developed by mobile application developers to find their customers online who wish to get deals & offers and connect via social media.

Mobile Location based apps and website for Business

Foursquare is one of the most popular Geo location based services in the US and over 40 millions people are using it to find near by and go with friends. With Facebook places over 500 million users to let you share where you are, connect with nearby friends and search what local deals are available. While talking about Yelp Location based services that allow check-in to review the stores and restaurants where you go. With WHERE help users to find nearest Gas Station or Starbucks using their smartphone. WHERE provide range of services including Advertising, Search and Recommendation services.

Mobile Location based User Data: Mobile Advertising Growth

One of the biggest benefits of the LBS is gathering user data and analytics. To improve user experience and customer services these data can be used by various organizations. The growth in the selling of mobile device increases the data and result in explosive growth in the mobile advertising market place. As expected over $10 billion will be spent on US mobile advertising in 2014, with $4.3 billion spent on location-based US mobile advertising.

Pew Survey reported that 8% of the normal day people are spending their time while looking in mobile screen, there is a huge opportunity for mobile marketers and online retailers to find their customer who are interested in local services as well as m-commerce customers. In this range Apple iBeacon is most popular growing local area push notification services that enables retailers to find and send notification in a specified radius by beacon device. Smartphone location based services and mobile marketing is drastically increasing and becoming BIG market in the world, with an estimated $4.5 billion of mobile advertising being location based and expected to rise over $10 billion by 2017.