Industrial IoT Applications for Monitoring Floods and Water Levels
The water monitoring system becomes robust when you integrate rapidly adaptable, cost-efficient Industrial Internet of Things sensors with water resources management. Industrial IoT sensor systems give early alerts for natural disasters and events that may create risk.
We will need the workability of locating water monitoring systems anywhere you need them. Where do Smart Cities generally place water monitoring systems?
Smart Cities arrange and install flood warning systems anywhere they’re required, such as
Beaches, Rivers, Levees, Bridges, Wells, Coastlines, Marinas
How do flood monitoring systems work?
There are various critical components that we will require for each flood monitoring system. Depending on the deployment environment our needs may vary that is why it is important to choose an IoT platform that will fulfill our requirements.
At a minimum level, you’ll likely require the following parameters:
- The water places that need to be analyzed (e.g., ocean coast, river, lake)
- Power supply (solar panel or standard mains electricity like 110V)
- Ultrasonic, radar, transducer or other level sensors
- Sensor hub with adapters for sending water measurements to Tools through mobile cell network (like AT&T, T-Mobile, or Verizon in the states), Ethernet or WiFi.
How do IoT Water Level Sensors Work:
There are many hardware manufacturers and various technologies available to monitor water levels. Let’s see common IoT Water sensors you can use from:
- Ultrasonic level sensors
- Pressure Transducers
- Radar level sensors
Each of these types of sensors has its benefits and disadvantages. When it comes to price, transducers may cost the least, but since they require to be placed at the bottom of the water body, this generates a challenge for deeper and harder to reach bodies of water.
Radar sensors can be priced significantly expensive yet can also be more accurate since radar is capable to infiltrate things like seafoam in order to provide a better measurement of the current levels of your liquids.
Ultrasonic Sensors:
Typically, ultrasonic sensors send out sound waves to control fluid levels, whether an organization is analyzing chemicals in tanks or measuring river water levels from a bridge. Ultrasonic sensors calculate how much time it takes for the echo to hit the target (e.g., water) and return to the sensor.
Ultrasonic level sensors are typically less costly than radar level sensors. Some communities go with a mixed outlook with sensors of various types, technologies and hardware manufacturers.
Depending on these high-frequency sound waves, ultrasonic sensors output is a sensor reading that typically in an industry-standard format like 4-20 mA. Ultrasonic sensors are situated above the fluids you require to monitor and are mentioned as non-contact sensors, which may be analytical depending on monitoring scenarios.
Pressure TransducersPressure transducer calculates the pressure, or weight, of the water that is on top of them. They are observed more passive sensors, vs. active sensors like ultrasonic and radar sensors that effectively give the output a signal that is utilized for level measurement.
Pressure transducers transformed the energy from the pressure of fluids to a signal that gives output in a sensor standard protocol like 4-20 mA.
Note that pressure transducers will approach the liquids they are analyzing and require to be at the bottom for more accurate measurements.
For some of your monitoring scenarios, this can be challenging since your fluids may be sticky or have flowing waste that can harm the sensor. In other scenarios, like analyzing water levels and well depths in test wells, pressure transducers are frequently the most efficient level sensors.
Radar Level Sensors:
Radar sensors utilize to guide high-frequency radar and electromagnetic waves from the sensor to what you’re analyzing the level of, e.g., water. Depends on how long the radar pulse takes to return after it’s been sent, radar level sensors will give output as your level readings.
Typically, radar sensors are more costly than other types of level sensors. However, waves and pulses output by radar sensors can frequently invade things that might restrict with true level measurements, e.g., foam or vapor.
Smart Cities on the east coast of the USA locate flood warning systems that analyze water levels using Industrial IoT sensors. Exactly, the ultrasonic and radar level sensors referred above are the most commonly utilized.
Also there flood warning systems are frequently deployed with solar panel power and utilize mobile cell networks or WiFi to upload sensor data to the clouds. As you know, in the end, it’s all up to exactly what each customer really, truly requires for their most essential deployments.
Efficient flood warning systems and other water level monitoring systems unite a combination of such IoT sensor technology. Now once your water sensor data is in the cloud, what do you do?
An Industrial IoT Cloud Platforms give real-time explosion to your remote monitoring systems. When working with analytical geographical phenomena like water and flooding, incorporation with maps is somewhat helpful for rapidly gaining situational awareness.
In the case of flood and water monitoring system where you’ve located several Industrial IoT sensor units around your area, you’ll gain valuable knowledge by analyzing spatial relationships, correlations and how each zone is affecting other zones.
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The predictive analytics helps you to apply intelligence for things like evictions in the case of flood warning systems. And you can use this information to recognize patterns and improve future community safety and awareness for environmental hazards.