What are the Differences Between Commercial and Residential HVAC

Author: Simon Hopes

When it comes to choosing the best HVAC systems for your home and office, you have to be keen. The right HVAC choice can help you save on your energy bills, while the wrong choice can lead to both discomfort at home and an increase in your energy bills.

There are two main types of HVAC systems including residential and commercial systems. The two are different when it comes to mechanism and functionality.

In this guide, we'll tell you the main differences between residential and commercial systems to help you make the best choice.


The most significant variation between the residential and commercial systems is their sizes. Residential systems are smaller and occupy less space as compared to commercial systems. However, an increase in HVAC size can improve your home air quality.

The sheer sizes of commercial HVAC systems make them demand more power for the output to be high. Most commercial HVAC systems are composed of blowers, condenser fans, evaporators, etc. They are designed to fill a large area and are best placed outside, especially at the rooftops.

Maintenance Costs

Due to their increased sizes and components, commercial HVAC systems consume more energy than residential systems. Residential systems are less complex and homeowners can at times do some basic maintenance by themselves.

Commercial systems, on the other hand, are more complicated. All the maintenance should be done by professional HVAC experts who are familiar with the system. Due to their sizes, increased components, and complexity, repairs and maintenance services are usually more expensive than on residential systems.

Operating Power and Complexity

Commercial HVAC systems normally require more power to sustain and operate effectively. They are designed to offer increased efficiency in heating and cooling and are, therefore, more expensive.

Commercial HVAC systems are expected to perform better. This is why they must be more complex to meet the needs of the building. Some commercial buildings are segmented into different offices with different heating and cooling needs. Your home, on the other hand, will only need to be cooled or heated depending on the season and weather.


Since the commercial and residential systems come in different sizes, their placement also differs. Commercial systems should be placed in a secluded location such as the roof of the building to prevent interference. Their sizes also make it difficult to place them indoors since they'll occupy great usable space.

Residential systems, on the other hand, can be placed in the backyard or near the house since they don't occupy much space. They are also less loud compared to commercial HVAC systems and you can continue with your daily activity undisturbed by the noise. However, you should ensure that the HVAC systems are well placed to avoid air blockage and dust accumulation.

Whether you are looking to improve the air quality in your home or office, you ought to choose the right HVAC system to cater to your needs. By analyzing the pros and cons of each HVAC system, it's easy to know the right system to budget yourself.