'Summer Storybook Costume' Review

Author: Julie White

And doesn't know where to find them.Leave them alone and they'll come home,Bringing their tails behind them.Little Bo peep fell fast asleepAnd dreamt she heard them bleating,But when she awoke, she found it a joke,For they were all still fleeting.Then up she took her little crookDetermined for to find them.She found them indeed, but it made her heart bleed,For they left their tails behind them.It happened one day, as Bo peep did strayInto a meadow hard by, There she espied their tails side by sideAll hung on a tree to dry.She heaved a sigh, and wiped her eye,And over the hillocks went rambling,And tried what she could,As a shepherdess should,To tack again each to its lambkin.

In my opinion, no other nursery rhyme is as widely known or loved as Little Bo Peep! My four year old daughter and I had been going back and forth about what she and her brother should be for Halloween. First we were thinking he could be the Cowardly Lion and she could be Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz...but I was facing a daughter has short blonde hair...pretty impossible for me to put her hair into pigtales...and a wig is out of the question {she would contend that it was way TOO itchy!}. SO we thought and thought and finally decided to go with Little Bo Peep and her sheep....! I was fortunate enough to work with on a review of one of their Little Bo Peep and Lamb Costumes read on to read what I thought of the costumes I was sent to review.....

Founded in 1999, has grown to become the #1 online Halloween costume and accessory retailer this side of Transylvania. Actually, they're the #1 online costume retailer anywhere, since they sell costumes for kids and adults (dogs, too), for year-round fun, not just Halloween. They also sell party supplies and coordinated decorations for every type of party imaginable. If you can imagine it, they probably have partyware for it. So, if you thought were just about costumes, think again. They just might surprise you.

My Review

I was sent the Little Bo Peep Child Costume and Lil' Lamb Elite Collection Infant/Toddler Costume from to review.

Now when I think of "Halloween Costumes" from a mass distributor I think of the flimsy, cheaply made costumes that I grew up I was a bit apprehensive when it came to reviewing the costumes from You see, since my daughter was born I have bought all of her costumes from Etsy and I have loved them...but unfortunately the price of each costume {because they are handmade} was pretty steep. This year I was looking for costumes a bit more affordable but yet also something that would have the same quality as a handmade costume. When I saw the box on my front porch my nerves started....I am a worrier, plain and simple. My daughter was super excited to see her Bo Peep costume...but thoughts started going through my head...' what if I disliked it? What if she disliked it? What if it doesn't fit well?' Well, let me just say that all of my worrying was for naught!

When I took the Little Bo Peep Child Costume and the Lil' Lamb Elite Collection Infant/Toddler Costume out of their packages my husband, daughter, and I were in total and complete shock! The costumes were gorgeous and very well made. Both costumes are made from sturdy and durable fabrics and fit both of my children perfectly!

The Little Bo Peep Child Costume includes a bonnet, dress, bloomers, staff {with matching bow}, and plush sheep bag. The dress,bonnet and bloomers all feature beautiful eyelet trim....and the little staff and plush sheep bag are adorable accessories! The dress has a beautiful ribbon lace up front as well as Bo Peeps' nursery rhyme wording along the bottom of the dress.

The Lil' Lamb Elite Collection Infant/Toddler Costume is thick, soft, and cozy and fully lined {sure to keep my little man nice and warm Trick or Treating} and comes with a lamb bodysuit with blue bow, booties, and a lamb hood with adorable ears. I really appreciate the fact that there are snap button closures for easy diaper changes and that the booties have skid resistant bottoms.

I am extremely impressed with both of the costumes I was sent to review from they are well made, beautiful, and reasonably priced....but don't take my word for it...just take a look at them for yourself!