Important Facts about Vedic Astrology

Author: Future Study Online

Vedic astrology became well-liked thousands of years ago, but has just seen renewed interest. It’s a predictive astrological system that, unlike western astrology, has an unbroken chain of matter sources. Whereas Western astrology focuses on what the future holds for individuals, psychological profiling, and improved self-understanding, Vedic astrology focuses on life's practical issues. If you want to know more information about Vedic astrology then visits Online Astrology Consultation.

The two systems differ in many ways, but one of the most vital is that the zodiac itself. Although they both use twelve signs, very different reference points are used. For example, Aries is the place to begin in western astrology placed at zero degrees throughout the spring equinox. On the other hand, Vedic astrologers use a fixed star that starts with the first sign. This constantly changes.

This phenomenon is based on the rate of movement of the earth within the galaxy that runs regarding one degree every seventy-two years this is known as the precession of the equinoxes. Although two thousand years ago the difference between the equinoxes was negligible, since that time the difference has increased about twenty-four degrees. At some future date, they'll again be in alignment, but in the meantime they're in very completely different places.

This various system is named the sidereal zodiac and is believed to be more accurate at representing the stars. Instead of using the earth's position relative to the sun, using star positions as reference points guarantees they remain within the zodiac constellations. Some astrologers believe that the tropical or western zodiac is best at addressing problems related to consciousness and psychology whereas the sidereal positions of the signs speak to truths like destiny and also the outcomes of life.

What this does is place regarding 3/4 of the human race within the sign previous to the one they thought they were born under. To find out someone is actually Capricorn after they believed they were Aquarius can be a little unnerving, especially since the traits between the two are so different. However, it's going to explain a lot of regarding why someone has the characteristics they do.

Another difference lies in the distinction between planetary periods. This is the time when certain planets have a disproportionate influence on individual lives. This is vital since some planets have positive effects, specifically Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, and also the Moon, while others have a negative impact. When under a positive influence, one will expect success whereas while under a bad influence misfortune usually follows.

Actually, this cycle lasts for 120 years that is the expectation for the most length of the human life-cycle. Due to variations in birth, each person starts the cycle in a very different place. Despite this, everyone moves through this loop in the same manner. This suggests that Saturn always follows Jupiter; Mercury always follows Saturn, and so forth.

The use of Vedic astrology covers several aspects of human life and is meant to alleviate uncertainty and anxiety. Whether one is interested in the future, medical problems, love, or career choices, this ancient science explains the reasons and causes for the past experiences in a very person's life and provides a guide for future decision-making.

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