Discover the best wood to burn in your hanging suspended fireplace for every state in Australia.

Author: Michael Akins

After a long and tiring day, there is no better feeling than sitting next to your suspended fireplace with a glass of wine, or warm drink, and relaxing with a good book, or that TV show you’ve been binge watching. This tranquillity, however, would be nothing without the right wood to burn in your hanging fireplace. Choosing the wrong wood can create many problems, and this can unfortunately take away precious time from your vital relaxation. The wrong wood can be more difficult to ignite, causing a slow burning process that produces more smoke and less heat. Some types of wood can be toxic when burned, and this is certainly not ideal for any household.

Choosing the right wood will also have a major impact on the performance of your hanging fireplace. One of the most important aspects of finding the best firewood is the type of firewood that is preferred in your state. Each state has a different type of wood that will perform best for your suspended fireplace. While you can experiment with different species of wood to find out the best type for you based on your needs, it is crucial to know what form of wood is the best and readily available where you live. Continue reading to discover the best wood to burn in your suspended fireplace for every state in Australia.

Victoria, South Australia & NSW

River Red Gum is one of the best woods to burn in your hanging fireplace at home. Perfect for burning at ideal hot temperatures and for a lengthy time, River Red Gum is dense and compact for a low maintenance slow, gentle fire. This makes it idyllic for those cosy nights next to your very own sleek suspended fireplace. The slow burn of River Red Gum firewood means you can use less wood, and you are not required to stoke the fire as it burns. You can set it and forget it. What more could you want for a soothing night of unwinding and basking in the warmth of your hanging fireplace? No hard work required.

When choosing the best wood for your hanging fireplace, it is essential to check if the wood is dry, seasoned, and untreated. Wet or unseasoned wood is more difficult to ignite, and can cause the heater flue in your suspended fireplace to become congested more quickly. River Red Gum is also a sustainable option for burning fires due to its low smoke emissions. This is a fantastic alternative to other heating methods that are significantly more expensive and dangerous for the environment.

Queensland & Northern Territory

Ironbark and Box are the best choices for enjoying a comfortable fire beside your suspended fireplace. Ironbark is highly durable, and is a great choice for both Queenslanders and those living in the Northern Territory, because it is a wood that grows well when there is sufficient sun. It creates less smoke and ash than other inferior woods, which assists in maintaining the cleanliness of your suspended fireplace’s flue. Ironbark can burn up to 8 hours, so you can rely on a slow burn with optimal heat. Similar to the River Red Gum, Ironbark and Box wood are extremely dense and dry, meaning you can take pleasure in a slow fire with minimal smoke emitting from your hanging fireplace. This also means you can benefit from saving money because you are using less wood to burn your fires. A slower burn means more rest time for you, and less time constantly watching the fire to replenish the wood.

Western Australia

Jarrah and Wandoo are recommended for lighting fires in your hanging fireplace in Western Australia. Jarrah is known for its rich, dark red or brown appearance and is renowned for its durability and thickness. This timber is often used for a variety of structural applications for building due to its strength and dense form, which is of course an ideal quality for burning fires at home. Your beloved suspended fireplace will benefit from an easy burn that achieves high temperatures for a consistent level of heat. Keeping you, and your friends and family, at a comfortably warm temperature will never be easier with Jarrah wood. Similar to all other preferred firewood for your hanging fireplace, Wandoo is notorious for its high density and termite resistance. It is slighter denser and heavier than Jarrah, which allows it to burn slower and hotter, but may leave more of an ash residue. Both are excellent options for the best wood to burn in your own elegant suspended fireplace.


Brown Peppermint firewood is the best wood to use if you’re in Tasmania. This wood is known as a medium density firewood, and is popular for use where there is a limited supply of dense hardwood in the area. This is a great option for your hanging fireplace if you enjoy a quick burn with high heat, and is perhaps suited to those you are looking to warm up as quickly as possible. It is important to keep Brown Peppermint wood in a well ventilated area to maintain its dryness. This ensures optimal burning temperatures, as the fire won’t have to work harder to dry the wood first before producing a vibrant fire in your suspended fireplace.

Using your suspended fireplace will be as simple as ever now that you have all the information for the best woods to burn in every state of Australia. You can relax in peace knowing you are warming your home without polluting the atmosphere. Producing heat with your hanging fireplace is environmentally sustainable, and is a wonderful compliment to any home. Choosing the right firewood for your suspended fireplace is also significant when it comes to the safety of your home. Producing the least amount of ash while maintaining a slow, steady burn are important aspects for any hanging fireplace. With this guide, you can find the best firewood that is available in your area, and use your suspended fireplace to its full potential.