Brief Guide: How to Get Rid of Bees?

Author: Ant Beekeeper

Some people may be inclined not to consider bees as pests since they are responsible for a great percentage of the pollination of plants that we eat. That said, however, bees around the home can be a reason for worry and you may need to call pest control Buffalo NY to get them away.

Here are some reasons to ensure your home and business are bees free:


Some people are allergic to bee stings, the presence of a single bee in the area is a cause for worry since a sting can result in death or a severe medical emergency. It is important in such cases to have your home free from bees if anyone is allergic to them. If you are the one who is allergic, you may consider calling the bee exterminator Williamsville NY to take care of the problem as you seek safety somewhere far.

Painful Stings

Even though you may not be allergic to bee stings, they are painful and cause a lot of discomfort, having bees present increases the chances of getting stung by a bee and unless you have a strange love for pain, you would want to avoid getting stung. If you have children, it is even more cause for concern because you want to protect them from such pain and yet somehow children are the most likely victims of bee stings.

Some Bees are Aggressive

Especially during hot weather, bees tend to get agitated seemingly over nothing. It is never a good idea to have agitated bees near you because they will sting without being disturbed. If there is a hive of bees around the home, you are better off having the pest control Williamsville NY deal with them before they become a big problem. Experts would know the best remedies for them.

Dealing With Bees on Your Own

So now we know why it is best to get rid of the bees, let us talk about trying to do that without having to call in the exterminator.

Moth Balls: Bees do not like the smell of mothballs and are likely to leave an area if they sense their presence. If the beehive is reachable, hang a few mothballs near the nest and eventually, they should be gone.

Trap Using Soda: Bees like sweet things and soda is one of the sweetest liquids. Cut a soda bottle in half and pour some soda into it, the bees will be attracted to the soda but eventually, they will drown in it. This works if you are not dealing with an entire colony of bees.

Let it Leave on Its own: If it is just one or two bees flying about in the house, you do not need to do much, open the windows and doors and it will eventually find its way out of the house.

Trap and Release: If you are feeling brave, you can trap the bee in a jar and then let it out far from the home so that it does not fly back in.

Sometimes you may just be too afraid to do anything or the nest maybe somewhere you cannot reach like on the roof. In such a case, call pest control Buffalo NY, they will have a solution for you.

The author works for a reputed company specialized in pest control Buffalo NY, he is also a frequent blogger who offers various tips to expel the pest from your home. Visit for more details.