The Proverbs 31 Woman

Author: Justine Mfulama

I love reading about the Proverbs 31 woman because she is a reminder of all the beautiful traits, we Christian women should strive for.

There is no woman, that is more adored, referred to and imitated than the Proverbs 31 woman. Just like all the great Proverbs Bible Verses in the Bible, Proverbs 31 includes scripture on wisdom, love, and faith.

However, they are about one woman, also called the woman of valor, that embodies all the great character traits a Christian should aspire to.

The virtuous of the Proverbs 31 Woman is uniquely presented in the Bible, but in reality, you and I can internalize those same virtuous. Here are 5 virtuous of the Proverbs 31 woman and how you can implement them into your everyday life.

1. Faith

The Proverbs 31 Woman is a woman that loves God and surrenders her life to Him. She serves God with all her heart, mind, and soul and follows his guidance in everything that she does.

2. Service

She is a servant at heart and serves her family, friends, and community with love and kindness. She is a genuine gift-giver and seeks ways to be a servant to the ones around her.

3. Industrious

The Proverbs 31 Woman is a businesswoman. She works hard and helps taking care of her household and family. She is creative and industrious and manages her own stream of income.

4. Homemaking

She is the CEO of her home and knows how to create an atmosphere of love, safety, and peace for her family and others. She uses her godly hospitality to minister to others inside her home.

5. Beauty

The Proverbs 31 takes good care of her appearance. She knows that her inner beauty comes from God and therefore values her body. She is confident in who she is and radiates that out to others.

These five virtues of the Proverbs 31 Woman are not to discourage women from who they are, but to encourage them to strive for truly godly characteristics. Because each one of us can be a Proverbs 31 woman.

And the best way to implement these characteristics into your life is in 3 steps.

  1. Read scripture daily

This one shouldn’T come as a surprise, but the one way to understand and master what scripture says is by knowing it. So make it a daily habit to read the Bible and become used to the virtues it presents. You can even start with Proverbs 31 and do a thorough study on it.

2. Journal and meditate on it

The second step to becoming a Proverbs 31 Woman, is by truly meditating on the word of God. Take some time after reading scripture to think about what you learned. Use a simple Bible study method such as Observation, Interpretation, and Application or get creative and start Bible Journaling Whatever you do it will help you look into the subject a little more.

3. Apply it in your daily life

If you are struggling with one of these virtuous then make it a goal to implement it in your life on a small scale. Maybe it’S self-confidence or maybe it’s homemaking. Find ways to take a small step towards your goal daily and soon you will see progress.