How to Create a Mobile App Like Instagram?

Author: Mathew Bairstow

As taking pictures has become a vital role in our day-to-day life, social media applications like Instagram contrived a phenomenal shift in photography culture. With the advent of advanced mobile technology, smart phones replaced the professional cameras by favoring the people with its exceptional features.

In this modern day, everyone loves to take photos wherever they go and upload it in social media. To perform both operations easier, smart phones made it presence. As people awaits for instant solution in this fast moving day, clicking a selfie in camera and posting it in another social media app looks quite difficult for them and also craves their time.

While people looking for a solution to this dilemma, Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger came with resolution for this issue in the name of Instagram integrated with several advanced features. Once after its launch, Instagram rapidly gained popularity, with one million registered users in two months, 10 million in a year and shines as the most favourable photo sharing app globally.

Why Build Instagram Clone?

With the quick development of photograph sharing app, Instagram opens an enormous deal of business visionaries and navigates several businesses to their their own Instagram clone app by its massive success. With upholding photo and video sharing feature, it is possible to make revenue from this Instagram clone without any investment.

Today people seeks for social media to build and promote their business. And so photo and video ads will be the most encouraging wellspring of income for your Instagram clone app. By displaying ads like facebook, Twitter and Pinterest, you can earn in billions.

Some of the possible streams for Instagram Clone App:

  1. Infographic ads
  2. Video Ads
  3. Social Commerce
  4. Sponsored Ads
  5. Sponsored Post

Basic Features of Instagram Clone App:

For Users:

Sign Up/Login:

Users can register by providing their basic details like email-id, mobile number or Facebook. Once after the registration process, they can login into the app by using the credentials and the OTP provided to them.

User Profile:

This enables the users to maintain their profile like name and email address, followers, following, the total number of uploaded photos/videos, and tagged pictures in their profile.

Post Photos/Videos:

Through this users can upload photos or videos directly from the gallery or using the camera of the smartphone. It is also possible to post multiple photos and videos.

Direct Messaging:

Instagram encourages the clients to speak with their friends, companions, devotees via text. It allows them to send & receive messages simultaneously.


This feature aid the customers to search others using their profile or any keyword that relates their profile name

Live Stories

This feature enables the users to post texts, emoji’s, videos or images which will be visible to their followers and who follows them. Users post their memorable moments that matter to them the most and upload it to stories which will be visible for 24 hours. They can also see who had viewed their status and can delete it if not required

Push Notification:

In this modern day, almost every apps are integrated with this feature. This is because, it empowers your customers to get continuous updates from. This feature will make your users to be engaged with you all time.

Want to Build a Photo Sharing App Like Instagram?

If you are looking to build a Photo Sharing app like Instagram, then it is essential to consider. This is because, in order to stand out among your competitors, your app should provide some unique features which will find a remarkable place for your app in the market. In that case, to build a feature rich Instagram clone app and to come up with extraordinary & worthy photo sharing app, get connect with MacAndro, a leading photo sharing app development company expertise in building exceptional photo sharing apps like Instagram. Our experts are highly