All You Need to Know About Acne Treatment

Author: Sanju Kmr

Acne is an inflammatory chronic skin condition that results in pimples and spots, particularly on the shoulders, face, chest, forehead, and back. The finest cure for this ailment is achieved by limiting bacterial growth, inhibit sebum production and by promoting the shedding of skin cells to unblock pores. Acne treatments may have side effects, so acne patients should be careful when trying new treatments.

Acne is a skin condition that arises after a hair follicle becomes clogged with dead skin cells or oil. It may cause pimples, dark spots or blackheads, and whiteheads and majorly appears on the shoulders, face, chest, forehead, and back. The problem of acne can occur in all age groups. However, this type of skin condition is often seen in teenagers.

Acne comes about when the sebaceous glands attached to the hair follicles are stimulated by puberty or other hormonal changes. Sebum is a natural element that protects and lubricates the skin. An increase in the production of oil is associated with a change in the method of maturation of skin cells, predisposing them to clog the pores of the follicle. When covered with a thin layer of skin, the plug is similar to a white-headed one. When in contact with air, the dark part of the plug is called the blackhead. Clogged hair follicles gradually grow and bulge. As the hair follicles expand, the walls can rupture, and irritants and normal skin bacteria can penetrate deeper layers of the skin and ultimately cause irritation.

Main factors that cause acne:

  • Bacteria
  • Excessive oil production
  • Excess activity of androgens
  • Hair follicles clogged by dead skin cells or oil
  • Let’s discuss ‘Hormonal factors’Various factors can cause acne, but it is believed that the main cause is an increase in androgen levels. Androgens are a type of hormone that increases with the onset of adolescence. In women, it turns into estrogen.

    As the concentration of androgen increases, the sebaceous glands under the skin grow. Enlarged gland produces more sebum. Excess sebum destroys the cell walls of pores, causing more bacteria to grow.

    Procedures to treat acne

    Chemical peels and microdermabrasionChemical peels and microdermabrasion remove the upper layer of the skin. The process also removes white and blackheads from your skin.

    Laser therapyLaser treatment can also help in curing acne. Laser light helps reduce the number of bacteria on the skin that cause acne.

    Drainage and extractionIn drainage and extraction treatment, the doctor manually drains a large cyst that forms under the skin. Removes dead skin, pus, moisture, and dirt in cysts, reducing infection and pain. Doctors can inject steroids or antibiotics inside the cyst to speed healing and lessen the possibility of scarring.

    Side-effects of acne treatmentAll medicines or drugs can cause side effects. Though many people have no side effects or only minor side effects. If any of these or other side effects bother you or does not go away, call your doctor or seek medical attention:

  • Skin irritation
  • Itching
  • Peeling
  • Feeling of warmth
  • Dry skin

  • The BottomlineA lot of doctors believe that acne cannot be prevented, they are only control and limited. Especially for teens, wise skincare is recommended. The basis is daily bathing or showering, washing the face and hands with an odorless or mildly antibacterial soap.

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