Wall Hangings – Types Available And Their Specific Uses

Author: Smart Web

The times gone by of wall hangings are able to be trace back to 13th century. It’s quite trendy in tapestry form. It is among the finest ways of decorating offices, homes, temples & churches. It was utilized by a variety of cultures in diverse forms in different countries throughout the world. Found as sculptures, paintings, murals, and so on, these commendable art works are trendy even in the present days. Today it’s unproblematic to find diverse types of tapestries and sculpture to embellish homes and offices. The majority of such paintings have significance and purpose which radiates from these special pieces of art.

Diverse types of wall hangings

It’s important to pick the right form of wall hanging to go well with the decoration of your home / office. A few of the most widespread varieties consist of the following.

Tapestries : among the most widespread and trendy variety is the tapestry. It’s among the traditional art works which were made use of for depicting events / stories in the very old days. It is principally a compactly woven fabric piece which has different designs and patterns which convey a story / tale. It is among the most fine-looking forms of decorations for adorning walls.

Quilt : though principally used in the form of bed covers, the quilts happened to also be made use of for covering and decorating homes and offices. Their makers are skilled and can weave several of the finest collections which are able to be used in the form of wall hangings. Today there’re diverse kinds of paintings to be had in such quilts which are wonderful art pieces.

Metal : one more kind of decoration consists of the metal wall hangings that are made from different kinds of metals which consist of aluminum, steel, wrought iron and the rest. These can be found as metal wall paintings, metal wall sculpture, metal wall murals and all the rest. The market of metal art has innumerable options for you to choose from. If you have difficulty in choosing the metal wall art decor which would suit your home perfectly you can take the help of interior designers.

Wood : wood hangings are enormously popular with a variety of sizes, styles, and finishes. Wood hangings are offered in form of modern letter hangings, carved hangings, and sculptured art pieces. The sizes they come in include square, rectangular, and custom-made types of hangings in accordance with the liking of the buyers.