Why Translation is Important in A World Where English is Everywhere?

Author: Christian Lingua

English is a language that is spoken in many countries. For some, English is a first or only language and for others it is a second or even third language that is known out of necessity or simply that are in which one has been raised. Statistically, English is only the third most spoken language as far as native speakers, but including those who speak it as a second language, it is the most popular. While this may make it appear that translation services from text and materials written in English are not necessary, this would be incorrect.

The reason behind this is simple and applies to a variety of material types. The basic answer to why translation is important even though English is quite common, is that English is not spoken by everyone, everywhere. Overlooking all the people in the world who did not speak English would take a chunk out of potential readers and users of a given piece of material. This is why translation services are necessary. This is especially true of work related to the Bible or Christianity. Christian book translation services are needed to translate sermons, devotions, teaching materials, and much more so the Word can be shared with the world as the Bible commands.

While being able to read in English is wonderful, having a book translated into your own, native language is much more meaningful. This is much more true when speaking about God. This is why Christian book translation services are so important. The Bible and related materials are often very deep and can best be understood in a native language. Even those who can hold a simple conversation in English are often unable to understand written text, especially if it is long or complicated.

Another reason that Christian book translation services are needed is that, with few exceptions, people respond better to the language that is native to them. This is two fold for those translating Christian materials. First, if the book or material is to be sold, it is best to have it in the native language of the targeted audience. Foremost, it is important that people respond to materials about God and the Bible. This is the goal, response. The Word is meant to shared and meaningful to those who interact with it. This is true even if a book explaining a verse, a book of the Bible, or how to teach a lesson in Sunday school. Writers and then translators, must speak to people in the same language in which their heart speaks and for many, this is not English.

Furthermore, translation service spread information and ideas around the world. The Bible commands us to "Go into all the world and proclaim the Gospel to the whole creation" in Mark 16:15 ESV. Not everyone is able to travel the globe sharing their message, but using translation services, a message can still be heard around the world. The Bible itself has been translated 531 times into different languages. Whether you are a believer or not, the Bible itself has made a huge impact on history. Without translation services, English speakers would not have a Bible that they could read in their own language.

There is no denying that English is a powerful language that is spoken by many as either natives or as a second language, but this does not mean other languages do not exist. This also means that finding the right translation services for your particular written material is highly important. There are lists of tips for finding the right translators and agencies to make this happen. No matter what has been written, when it is translated from English into other languages, use a professional so that the message is clear and well defined for the biggest impact.