Why the south indian dosa is a healthy option?

Author: Anjapapr Singapore

Dosas are thin, crepe-like pancakes that can be native to India. Relished by people all around the country or even all over the world, these rice crepes are one of the most versatile preparations. They may be had for breakfast, lunch, dinner or even as a quick snack in the evenings. Delicious, crispy and eaten with a variety of side dishes, the dosa is one food that never fails to disappoint. Click here to get the best vegetarian restaurant!

Dosa is different from Western pancakes in the reality that they are made from lentils and rice batter rather than wheat flour, which ups its nutritional value. It has long been considered a healthful dish because of its simple ingredients and the way it is made. Let us see underneath a few reasons why the dosa is a healthy option and so that we can further appreciate its delicate simplicity!

1. Low in Calories

Dosas are relatively low in calories. Extremely appetizing and light, they nevertheless are capable of fulfilling your hunger. A healthy choice for people needs to overcome obesity.

2. Easily Digestible

A dosa is a fermented pancake. As it is made out of a combination of black lentils and rice batter, it is very easy to assimilate and digest on your body.

3. Rich Source of Carbohydrates

Dosa is a healthy source of carbohydrates and provide you with the energy needed to perform various body functions. It is the best choice for human beings on a weight loss diet.

4. High Protein

The dosa is fairly high in proteins that are essential body vitamins required to make your muscle mass and bones stronger. They help you build muscle and narrow down, especially when you are on a reduced-calorie diet.

5. Rich in Minerals

Dosa contains numerous minerals like iron and calcium. Iron helps in making hemoglobin and myoglobin, which bring oxygen in your cells even as calcium helps to maintain healthy bones.

6. Provides Vitamins

Dosa is a source of vitamin C, which is an important nutrient this is required by the body for the development and maintenance of blood vessels, cartilage and scar tissues.

7. Low in Fat

Foods high in saturated fat can boom the risk of heart disease. By comparison, dosa is low in saturated fats and healthy for your body.

8. Fermented

The fermenting process of making the dosa increases the bioavailability of vitamins like folic acid, riboflavin, niacin, thiamine, biotin, and Vitamin K in as well as some antibiotics & anti-carcinogenic materials. They replenish the microflora of the digestive tract.

9. Contain Beneficial Bacteria

The lactic acid bacteria found in fermented foods like the dosa not best aid in digestion but also assist alter the pH balance in the intestines, which is associated with long life and good health. They also create omega-3fatty acids which might be important for the immune system.

10. Delicious

The dosa is crisp, tasty, is served fresh and tastes amazing with chutneys like tomato, onion, coconut or dals like sambar. You can even have it with pickles. It also could be very easy to make with minimum effort.

Want some ideas to make your own? Try this best dosa in Singapore with Tomato Chutney.