Diabetes and its impact on various systems of the body

Author: Shalini Vinay

Most people associate diabetes with just elevated levels of sugar in the blood. However, diabetes affects your body in more ways than you know. You need to understand how diabetes affects your body, which will help you in looking after your body and preventing any diabetic complications from developing.

Following are the common symptoms of diabetes

When uncontrolled or undiagnosed, there can be several effects of diabetes on the body that are exhibited by the following signs

  • enhanced thirst

  • Frequent urge to urinate

  • Fatigue

  • The blurring of vision and

  • Pain or tingling in the hands, legs or feet

Effects of diabetes on the body in long-term

Apart from the usual symptoms of diabetes, it can also cause long term damage to the body, which is commonly termed as diabetic complications. Diabetes has an impact on our blood vessels and nerves and thus can affect any part of the body.

Diabetic complications generally take many years if diabetes is poorly controlled and left to develop. Diabetic complications can be avoided by managing your diabetes, your blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. It's achieved by a healthy diet, keeping away from alcohol and smoking, and indulging in some form of physical activity in our daily regime for maintaining the blood sugar levels. Diabetes has the following impact on different systems of the body.

The effect of diabetes on the heart

Diabetes has been shown to have a huge impact on coronary heart disease, and it contributes to high blood pressure. Diabetes has also been found to be associated with high cholesterol that significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and heart attacks.

Diabetes and strokes

Diabetes affects the heart. Similarly, it impacts blood pressure and results in high blood pressure. High cholesterol in diabetes also raises the risk of strokes.

Effect of diabetes on the eyes

A very common complication associated with diabetes is diabetic retinopathy. This condition occurs due to several years of uncontrolled diabetes. Retinopathy occurs due to leaking and swelling of blood vessels in the retina. High blood pressure is also one of the major factors for diabetic retinopathy. The effect of diabetes on the nerves and blood vessels can also result in problems such as

  • Digestion troubles

  • Sexual dysfunction

  • Delayed wound healing

Effect of diabetes on the kidneys

The kidneys are the most vital organ which is at a high risk of damage due to diabetes. The risk multiplies by poorly controlled diabetes, cholesterol, and high blood pressure. Diabetic nephropathy is the common term for kidney disease due to diabetes. Treatment of diabetic nephropathy includes medicine for treating high blood pressure cholesterol and lifestyle modifications.

Diabetes and its effects on the nerves

As the nerves are involved in various bodily functions, thus the effects of diabetes on the nerves can be quite serious. These functions include movement and digestion to even the reproductive functions.

The presence of neuropathy is commonly marked by:

  • Tingling sensation or numbness in the hands or feet

  • Excessive sweating

  • Lack of sexual arousal

  • Delayed stomach emptying

Treatments for neuropathy are based on the reduction of pain along with blood pressure-lowering medications to help prevent the development of this condition.

Diabetes and its effect on digestion

Diabetes can also affect your digestion in several ways. In diabetes, one may experience nausea, diarrhea, or constipation.

Another cause of indigestion could be due to diabetes medication. Certain type 2 diabetes medications are more susceptible to causing digestive issues.

Homeopathy is the most effective and safest way of treating diabetes, and Dr. Shalini is the best homeopathic doctor. Book an appointment with Dr. Shalini today to treat your diabetic condition.