Advanced Web Development Trends to Take into Notice

Author: Greg Evans
  • Nothing is permanent’ or ‘Change is the only constant’, these proverbs aptly suits the digital industry where technology keeps on evolving and trend keeps on changing. Even without embracing the latest web development trends, you can create a good website but if you want to stand apart and get easily noticed, integrating what’s latest in technology will help you out and also make your website future-friendly.

Users do not browse web like before, they have become more tech-savvy and online junkie due to which they like to invest time on websites that are cutting-edge and one-of-a-kind. The trends are global, it is not separated like web development in Adelaide or web development in California. So whatever advanced trends we will reveal, it is globally popular and has the ability to take the future of web development by storm.

Progressive Web Application

Get the best of both worlds, web and application. Progressive web applications are actually web pages that offer app like experience to the users. This contemporary version of website can have a lot of benefits as the modern users will certainly like the look and feel. The page load is much smooth and quicker than the traditional web pages. Progressive web applications are developed in such a way that it fits any screen, tablet, mobile, laptop or future digital device. They are evidently responsive in nature.

3D Modelling

This trend is already popular and incorporated by many websites. 3 Dimensional representation of an object is created using dedicated software. This computer graphic technique creates a virtual model which is widely used in assorted industries. Just a little learning and this software is easy to use.

Push Notifications

Everybody use smartphones, these days and evidently mobile apps too. Push notifications is something every app user is aware of. Similar to apps even websites can integrate push notification to drive traffic and conversion. The content rich push notification will appear on desktop or on any device even when the concerned web page or browser is not open. It is very beneficial for eCommerce sites.

Customer Service Chat

Unlike the brick and mortar stores, online stores and websites are accessible 24/7 and hence even customer helpdesk is accepted to be active all day long. Customer satisfaction is high if they are able to get support all 24 hours. If the chatbot is able to respond to any query instantly, it is a bliss. Chatbots won’t even make the customers feel as if they are talking to a computer programme. It is an intelligent way of attaining customer satisfaction.

Modular Web Design

It’s end of templates era, modular web design is a technique that is catching attention, these days. Modules are simple, flexible, adaptable and also independent and that is why it is more handy for the masses. Blocks of web pages are created rather than complex templates. There are dedicated creation tools for modular web design.

Learning new techniques and technologies is always advantageous for the web developers. If you want to grow as a developer it is better to embrace the trends, upgrade yourself and stay ahead.