Septic Tank Emptying: What To Expect And How To Prepare For It

Author: Waste Management

Though septic tank emptying in Hampshire isn’t one of the most desirable tasks, it sure is important to accomplish. Doing this routinely will not only save you money, but it will also keep your place safe from a huge health hazard.

As septic tanks hold solids and scum from your household’s wastewater, ignoring the importance of septic tank pumping can indeed be dangerous. But how do you actually prepare for septic tank emptying Hampshire? What should you expect? Read on to find out.

Septic System Maintenance 101

A septic system is composed of a septic tank (the one buried underground) and the drain field (or a "shallow, covered excavation" in the soil where wastewater passes once it exits the tank). Both of these parts should be maintained regularly. If one of them becomes damaged, you will face several health hazards (e.g. Contaminated groundwater).

For septic tanks, in particular, small ones are required to be cleaned at least once a year. Others recommend doing septic tank emptying in Hampshire at least once every three to five years. But no matter how frequent this task should be done, it’s important to hire professionals to do the job for you. Not only do they have the right equipment, but they are also skilled in ensuring that your system is free from any hazardous contamination.

What’s Done During Septic Tank Emptying

When you hire a waste disposal company to do septic tank emptying Hampshire, here are the things you should expect them to do:

Inspect your system. Waste disposal experts will check if there’s any leakage in your septic system. This is also the time when you should ask them how often should you have your tank pumped to avoid any future clogs.

Remove all solid waste. Through high-pressure jetting and gully emptier, your waste disposal company will then remove all solid waste that has been accumulated inside your tank.

Make sure the system isn’t clogged. If there are any clogs — from the tank to the drain field — they are also tasked to remove all the sludges that cause them. They can also install an effluent filter to prevent solids from entering your drain field.

Keep the surroundings clean. Last but not least, the septic tank cleaners will also make sure that the system and its surrounding area is clean and free from contaminants.

Preparing for Septic Tank Emptying

You can actually save more money by preparing properly before a professional handle your septic tank emptying Hampshire.

To do this one, you should first try to locate where your septic tank is. If you let the waste disposal company do this one, you will more likely be charged with a separate service fee. The tank is usually located outside -- in the area where the plumbing leaves your house. Once you’ve found it, take a snap and make a rough sketch showing where it’s located. This can be quite useful for your cleaners and future purposes.

You should also take into account when was your last septic tank emptying in Hampshire. This will help you identify when it is time to pump it out again. Don’t forget to provide any previous documents about your septic system maintenance to the waste disposal company that will clean your system next.