Digital Marketing Firm Uses Schema
Author: Geral Hays
It isn’t easy finding a quality digital marketing company that will give you the time and attention you deserve. Whether you’ve already contracted with a marketing agency or if you are currently searching for one, there are some important questions you should ask to ensure they are not just competent, but top tier. One of those questions is whether or not they use schema markup as part of their search engine optimization or user experience strategy. Any serious digital marketer today will know what schema markup is and how to implement it. What is Schema? For those of you unaware of schema markup, let’s provide a brief overview. describes schema as the result of a collaborative community (including the likes of Google, Yahoo and Microsoft) that creates code to help structure data on websites and emails. Have you ever searched Google for a website and in the search results page, underneath the website you want, there is a search bar to search within that website? That is an example of the effects of schema markup.Or, have you noticed that on the results page, sometimes certain business show their average five star rating based on however many reviews? Again, this is schema at work. There are many other types of markups such as adding upcoming events, snippets of the actual content of a review, critic reviews of a movie or book, job postings, and much more. So, in practice, schema markup essentially communicates to the search engines about what your webpage is about and how to display it on the search engine results pages. How Does It Work?While an experienced online marketer will understand the basics of schema markup, in reality the number of marketing companies that actually make use of it are surprisingly few. There is no way to know for certain how much the use of schema will improve SEO rankings, if at all. One thing is for certain, it will not hurt your rankings. Even if it doesn’t give much of a boost to your rankings (though there are those who swear by it), it will definitely help users better understand your website when they see it in the SERPs. If you own a business and want to improve its online marketing you should definitely consider adding schema markup to your repertoire. It helps Google and other search engines understand more precisely what you webpages are about and how they are structured, so that they display more helpful information on the search engine results page.Give It A Try!If you want to give it a try yourself and start marking up you pages, there a few great resources to make it a bit easier so you don’t have to learn hundreds of lines of code. First check out Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper as it will guide step by step on how to create the exact markup you want. To test your code to see how it will look you can go to their Structured Data Testing Tool enter in your code. If you just want to browse all the different types of markups then you can check out If you're still lost, contact Supernova Digital Marketing for help.While it can be time (or cost) consuming to enter in the schema for each part of each webpage on your website, if you really want to improve your user’s experience from the get-go, then it may be worth it. If nothing else, if you want to get an idea of how good your current of prospective digital marketing firm is, then ask them their opinion on schema markup and see how well they can answer that question.