Symptoms of canker sores in mouth and gums

Author: Lakshmi Sowjanya

Canker sores are also called aphthous ulcer. Similar to peptic ulcers that occur in the stomach, they are painful blisters of the mouth. Often presenting on the inside of lips, side of the tongue. You may also get them on inside of cheeks and on the gums.

Patients who suffer from canker sores usually report stressful situations in their home or work life. Women tend to suffer from canker sores more than men do. They may also be hereditary. If a family member has canker sores, you are more likely to have them as well.

SYMPTOMS OF CANKER SORES IN MOUTH AND GUMSHow do canker sores look like? Unlike fever blisters or cold sores, canker sores never form outside of the mouth. They form inside the mouth or under the tongue. They can also form inside your cheeks or lips, at the base of your gums, or on the soft palate. In most cases before the sores appear you will notice a burning sensation before the sores actually appear.

In severe attacks, one may also experience:

  • Fever- Physical sluggishness- Swollen lymph nodes- Persist for 1-3 weeks before healing.- Fading to grey over time


Emollient have protective coating agents which are inert in nature, these agents blocks the irritation of the canker sores and its associated nerve endings. It does so by providing a surface cover that shields the site from irritation, stimulation from acidic salt or spicy foods and temperature changes.

  1. AnestheticsThere are many OTC anesthetic products available for canker sores. When anesthetics are combined with other agents they provide relief from symptoms of canker sores.
  2. AntisepticsAntiseptics are very powerful cleaning agents. When used to treat canker sores, antiseptics cleanse the area and decrease the number of bacteria on the surface of the gum. The best antiseptic, to be used in this case is 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.
  3. Mouth RinsesIf you have many canker sores on your gums, your doctor may prescribe, a mouth rinse containing steroids to get rid of symptoms of canker sores such as pain and inflammation.
  4. Topical ProductsOver-the-counter topical products such as pastes, creams, gels or liquids may help to relieve the symptoms of canker sores and speed healing, if applied immediately the sores begin to appear.
  5. Oral MedicationOral medical in most cases are used when canker sores are severe or when they are not responding to topical treatments.

When to visit a doctorConsult your doctor in case of the following:

  • If you are experiencing a difficulty in eating or drinking due to canker sores.- High persistent fever along with canker sore- Excessive pain in the mouth which other self-care measures have failed to control.- Sores that extend into the lips themselves- Persistent sores, lasting two weeks or more,- Recurring sores, with new ones developing before old ones heal- Unusual large canker sores.

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