Probiotics for Acne

Author: Roxanna Hall


Probiotics are live microorganisms that offer health benefits. They are majorly responsible for improving our gut health aiding proper digestion. Many microorganisms that naturally live in our bodies are similar to probiotics. Probiotic bacteria are found in fermented dairy products like yogurt, kefir, kimchi, sauerkraut, etc. Not all of the fermented foods necessarily have probiotics. So, we can use Probiotics for Acne.

For foods and drinks to be considered as a probiotic, there have to be sufficient living bacteria that survive food processing so that they are in food or beverage. Bacteria that survive them are known to benefit human health. Based on research studies, two well-studied groups of bacterias i.e., lactobacillus(firmicutes group) and bifidobacterium(actinobacteria), are commonly found in foods that contain probiotics.

To keep a good amount of probiotic bacterias alive in your gut, you need to feed them something, or else they don’t survive, and harmful bacterias take over. Eating fiber-rich foods such as vegetables, whole grains, legumes, etc. serves the menu for the probiotics and are known as prebiotics.

However, specific diets are not suitable for the survival of probiotics. Such foods are white bread, white pasta, white rice, sugars, artificial sweeteners, etc. These are carbohydrate-rich foods that you must avoid. Apart from these foods, the overuse of antibiotics also harms these bacterias and promotes the overgrowth of harmful bacterias. Lack of sleep and stress also hampers the growth of good bacteria and promotes the growth of harmful bacteria.

There are often doubts among people that: should we take them daily? How much amount shall one take? The answer to these questions is simple. It completely depends on the individuals. Not everyone has the same bodily functions and health conditions. Depending on how their body works and how healthy they decide entirely how often and how much they must take probiotics. For instance, people with a weak immune system, cancer, and other severe conditions must avoid taking them as it may worsen their condition. Some people don’t tolerate fermented foods. For them, supplementation is essential. However, consuming them in a limited amount is better as excess ingesting causes harm.

In the year 1989, Roy Fuller defined probiotics as "A live microbial feed supplement which affects the host by improving its intestinal microbial balance." Put, probiotics technically refer to the bacteria that are cultured to impart health benefits to us, their host. However, when we say ‘probiotics,’(1) we refer to the supplement that we take. When we take those supplements, the bacteria colonize our gut, and their effect could be felt throughout the body. In some cases, you also have topical probiotic medication, which you can directly apply to the affected area.

So, is it instrumental in using such probiotics for acne treatment? Let us take a quick look at what modern research says about the subject.

Now the important question is how to know that you are probiotic deficient and probiotic overloaded? The simple answer to this is your present health condition. If you have constipation, diarrhea, nutrition deficiencies, weak immune system, etc. Then you are probably probiotic deficient. However, if you are facing excess gas issues right after you eat, you have a bloated stomach, etc. It indicates you have too many probiotics on your gut.