Protect your mobile applications – Advice from the Best Mobile Apps Developer Malaysia

Author: Lins Ads

There are around 5 million applications available on Google Play Store and Apple App Store. You will find the best professionals doing app development and coming up with applications every single day. However, only a good mobile apps developer in Malaysia will not only talk about apps development, but will also say how to protect applications against cyber threats.

According to reports, around 75% of the mobile applications fail due to security issues. Technological advancements have led to smartphones and today probably every other brand has a mobile app. Along with the increase in mobile apps, cyber-crimes are also on the rise. However, there are certain ways you can protect the mobile app of your brand from such threats.


For complete app security, you need to plan out a design model and cover all the loopholes. For this, you need to think like a hacker, look for the slips and then increase the security measures. Take the assistance of professionals if required to ensure that all vulnerable areas are sealed. App security is crucial if you have an eCommerce business. If the app is hacked, then sensitive data is lost like phone number, bank details, and credit credentials – everything will be floating all over the cyber world.

App wrapping

Segregation of the mobile app from all other remaining devices is app wrapping. The mobile app is captured in a safe zone and the mobile app developer in Malaysia uses MDM provider for automatically getting this option.

Set a few parameters and the app wrapping is possible without any coding.

Security APIs

Leverage of APIs is essential for handling all kinds of data and business logic for the mobile app. APIs are awesome as it ensures data security even if it’s static or at transit. It’s one of the most essential security features of a mobile application.

The 256-bit encrypted SSL can be deployed for data security in transit. For data security at rest, you can secure both the device as well as the origin. Deployment of APIs with app-level authentication is also a smart security move. Sensitive data needs to be gated at the memory and the authorized individual should only be using the services.

Secured user authentication

The secured user authentication or authorization is important for mobile app security. It’s essential for establishing the fact that only one genuine user runs the app, as it prevents access from malware and hackers.

While you set up user authentication ensure all privacy points, identities, mobile security features and session management are included. For stronger user authentication 2FA or MFA (two-factor authentication or multifactor authentication) needs to be enforced.

Harden the Operating System

For added app security harden the operating system of the mobile app. Apple is the torchbearer for implementing the ironclad security features alongside iOS. For the security of the iOS app, one also needs to stay updated with the latest security guides.

Final thoughts

Protecting your mobile app from hackers can be a daunting task. Hire a professional cybersecurity expert who would work along with the mobile app developer in Malaysia to create an app that would be safe and secure.

Are cyber threats making you lose your sleep at night? Then get in touch with the developers at Linsad. They will help you get an app with ironclad security.