How To Measure Relationships

Author: Robert Smith

Today’s environment introduces a new definition of community. Thanks to the Internet and social media, the boundary of community expands. Physical proximity is not required. In fact, any entity that can influence you and your business can be a part of your community. It means you are connected to the world where people therein can affect you and your business.

Like today’s political constituents, when you deal with your communities you need to be politically correct. Your legal right is one thing but the sentiment of your communities is another. For example, when Amazon deleted a certain books to which Amazon has legal rights, which means Amazon actually made a legally correct move, the decision upset so many Kindle users, and their angry response caused such a disruption that Amazon had to revert the action and made a public apology.

Like politics, business depends on public relations. Especially your ongoing assessment on communities and your relationships with them is critical. The kind of PR efforts made on customers, employees, financial analysts, and media does not cover all the necessities.

There are a few tips about how to measure and maintain your relationship with communities.

First doing a charitable work in the communities can reduce any recruiting cost or promotion in the future. Second, you must know your publics, and identify them. And make sure your actions cannot be isolated from your community. Make their list. In order to assess the strength of your relation with a specific community, you need to make a comparison with other example.

If you want to study a Wal-Mart in your town, you can compare it with organizations of the same size and reputation, for example, Target in the same town or nearby. And you need to prioritize your stakeholders that influence the business. Sort them out to determine which stake holders you will first measure.

Then you need to choose measurement tool. Do a survey. The questions may include: does this corporation listen to people? When the corporation makes a decision, doe sit consider people’s concern? Both organization and people benefit from the relationship?

It is also important to analyze how the corporation you are testing is assessed by the local media. Especially in your test, local media is the key factor, then you need to monitor them. After that measure whether or not the message of communities are exchanged. Are your company selected as an entrepreneur of the month or how did any article in the local media describe your company?

PR Measurement is not limited to the outside of the company. It is also imperative to get a feedback from your employees and assess their opinions. It goes without saying that employees’ moral and attitude to their company are directly associated with how they perform in the line of work and customer service.

To simply put it, are they going to recommend their company products to their family and friends or even buy for themselves? If you can’t earn trust and praise from your internal members, how can you ever satisfy outsiders?