5 On-Page SEO Techniques for improving your website Ranking

Author: Sachin Patil


On-page SEO is considered to be amongst essential processes that you can utilize, not only for getting better rankings in the search engines but also to make sure that you run successful campaigns related to SEO.

A website is the main focus for all the processes involved in SEO, and if it’s not appropriately optimized, then you might not succeed in the world of online marketing.

Before knowing the best on-page SEO techniques, let’s get to know first what do you mean by on-page SEO and basics of it.

What do you mean by on-page SEO?

On-Page SEO is the method of optimizing every webpage of the website to get better ranks in the Search Engines.

On-Page SEO includes both the technical aspects of the website as well as the content that you are posting on your website.

The primary objective with on-page SEO is to understand and speak the languages of search engines and assist crawlers in understanding the actual meaning and motive of your web pages.

On-page SEO techniques to get better rankings

Now that you have understood the theory and importance of SEO and on-page, it’s time for you to know five techniques and best blogging tips that will help you in getting better ranks in the search engines.

Maintaining content quality

When you are dealing in the world of SEO, you always have to keep in mind about the quality of content that you are uploading on your website.

A website starts generating profit when brilliant content is being fed to it. Even if you are not considering SEO, excellent content can pull it off in fetching you a better rank in the search results. Make sure that you have the following things in place when it comes to maintaining quality:

  • Original content

  • Publishing it first on your site

  • Include high-quality images and videos

  • Useful and informative content.

  • Well-researched contents

Titles and Meta Descriptions

On-Page SEO requires eye-catchy titles and appealing meta descriptions that can bring business to your company within no time. When it comes to search engines, if you want to rank your website at a higher position, then you must check the titles of the pages and meta descriptions before uploading them on your website. Titles must have keywords and should be brief.

Content SEO

Content SEO becomes the critical part and has a lot of importance when you are optimizing your page. Insert appropriate keywords, and writing the content in SEO language can fetch your website better rankings at the search engine.

Formatting of the content

If you don’t know how to format your content, then you must learn it before writing on-page SEO content. Include H1, H2, and H3 heading formats whenever it is necessary. Try to avoid making a single word heading and come up with unique and attractive titles. Use bold, italics, and underlining tools to make it more appealing.

Images and multimedia contents

Images, multimedia, and videos play an essential role in the on-page SEO world. Try to make use of original images, add references if you are using the existing ones, optimize image sizes and shapes, use an alternative tab for describing it, and make use of Content Delivery Network.

All these aspects will certainly help you in getting a better rank in the search engines. You can also enroll yourselves in some SEO courses in Pune to learn more about it.