Best location for linear drain in shower room

Author: Marius Alexe

In the modern times of architectural design of bathroom and such type of area, the uses of linear drain have become mostly popular. The reason is that instead of having that old classic traditional look of the hole in the center which is going to be looking like a dirty little filth, the linear shower drain system basically gives the shower with a rather exotic and luxurious look and also it helps the owners and the users what's the cleaning purpose of the drain gate.

But it is also quite necessary for any person to remember about the proper location and the proper fitting tips for having the best performance out of a linear drain for your shower room. This article is going to have you all the necessary details about the best locations for linear drain in shower room.

1. At the far end

First of all there is one thing that needs to be clarified and that is the overall slope is going to be determined in the position of the drain doesn’t matter which nature It is. Otherwise the water is not going to go towards the drainage line and there is going to be nothing but dirty water over your shower room floor. One of the best choices for having the linear drains position in your shower room is at the far end of the room. The reason behind such type of choice is that when you are taking the position at the far end that you are going to have in your shower room it is also going to make you capable for having a larger amount of space inside your room without being worried of stepping over the shower drain area. And also by placing in that location you get to have the betterment of the cleaning purpose because the slope is going to be pointing at that direction rather than pointing towards the door.

2. At the door

As it is mostly seen at the luxurious hotels and their bathrooms that linear trains of shower room have been place just at the starting of the room beneath the door. This actually has several benefits to it. The first one is that when you are getting out of the shower, the most likely scenario is that you are going to wipe yourself up with that soft and comfortable towel just at the door of the shower room. By positioning the shower drain just at the gate of the shower room you are going to be able to have all of the dripping water go directly towards the drain and hence your flow is not going to create any type of slippery surface.

3. Both sides

This type of positioning basically goes along with the designer version of the linear shower drains. The reason is that such type of decorative and designed shower drainage gates, are most likely to be consistent with one another for performing the proper design or shape that it was intended to be by the manufacturer of the product. and also search type of drain positioning looks quite good for any bathroom that has a artistic look to it.

4. All side

This is recommended if you are really splashy bather. This also enhances the overall look for the shower room due to the overall artistic design of the linear shower drains and also the positioning of it. Search type of positioning for linear shower drains are going to give the users with a lot of opportunities for having the flexibility for setting the slope just as he or she wants which is capable for preventing any type of accident arising out of slippery surface.

Here are some other tips for you to keep in mind about placing and installing the linear shower drains.

First of all, you need to position your drain in accordance with your slope so that, the overall water flow of your shower room is never interrupted and also the water is able to carry out towards the drainage system freely. Especially if you have a shower room that has absolutely no threshold then you need to place the linear drains just in accordance with the shower door wall or even the wall directly opposite words that which is because of the slope requirements.

The second fact is that you need to remember about the appropriate placement with accordance with the proper considerations for the length of the shower room and also the length of the linear drains. Having a little consideration about these two facts are going to be able to make your shower room look a lot better and also consistent with all the other decorative elements that you have installed.


Shower drains are very much important of an element for creating your shower room. And improper placement and choice of such type of shower drain is easily capable for making your entire bathing experience uncomfortable. And that is why it is very much recommended towards all of the users who are willing to install the linear brain for their shower room to have the proper consideration and also the proper knowledge of the pattern so that they are capable for getting the proper choice for themselves. As per the fact the linear shower drains are one of the most popular trends in the current market of architectural design for bathroom. And that is why most of the people who are building their new home are installing the linear shower drinks. You have all of the different data about the different location and the different position of linear drain installation for your shower room. it is going to be easier for you to compare all the necessary aspects among these three type of your installation. After which it is totally up to you about the overall choice and the selection of the product. But in case where you actually need the best suggestion for the linear drain installation and its over a location you can easily follow the tips and tricks that have been provided in your card line and also be able to draw a basic comparison between the different locations.