Dr Tarun Kaushik
Dr Tarun Kaushik is a well known nephrologist in Delhi. He is done his medical training in United Kingdom. Dr Tarun Kaushik also completed his masters (MRCP) in internal medicine. He has more than 10 years of experience in the field of nephrology. He is also famous for tarnsplantation. Dr. Kaushik has completed his training from University College, London Partner Institutes. His hospital name is Dharamshila Narayana Superspecialty Hospital, Vasundhara Enclave, Delhi
Dr Tarun Kaushik has approx 10 years of experience in the field of Nephrology. Dr Tarun Kaushik has completed his medical training in United Kingdom. He is also completed his masters in MRCP in internal medicine. He is one of the best doctor of nephrologist in Delhi region. Dr Tarun has done his training from London Partner Institute.
Dr Tarun Kaushik is a well known nephrologist in Delhi. He is done his medical training in United Kingdom. Dr Tarun Kaushik also completed his masters (MRCP) in internal medicine. He has more than 10 years of experience in the field of nephrology. He is also famous for tarnsplantation. Dr. Kaushik has completed his training from University College, London Partner Institutes. His hospital name is Dharamshila Narayana Superspecialty Hospital, Vasundhara Enclave, Delhi
Kidney Stone Disease:The kidneys are two fist-sized, bean-shaped organs. Our kidneys filter wastes and unnecessary water from our blood to make urine. When kidneys are not able to filter the waste from the blood due to damaged kidney, kidney disease happened. These wastes are a stick inside the kidney get to stick together and make a solid mass known as kidney stone. This may affect also the urinary tract system.
Here Details of some Major Medical Treatments are,
Kidney Biopsy:
kidney biopsy doctor taking one or more tiny pieces of our kidney. After this the doctor look at these tiny pieces with microscope.
Rare kidney problems can not be found with blood test and urine test. Then kidney biopsy comes into the picture. Kidney biopsy can help the doctor to correctly diagnose the disease.
Kidney Transplantation:
In kidney transplantation is the organ transplantation into a patient with the end stage renal disease.
Other services are hypertension management, Permcath insertion etc.
When to Consult Kidney Specialist: If you feel symptoms of kidney stone, contact to a kidney specialist[1]. Call on 011-430-78672 to book an appointment with kidney specialist Dr. Tarun Kaushik.
That's all about us.
Qualification: Dr. Tarun Kaushik completed his MRCP In internal medicine. Also Dr kaushik has completed his medical training from University College, London Partner Institutes in United kingdom.
Experience: Dr Tarun Kaushik has more than 10 years of experience in the field of transplantation.
Service Offered:
Kidney Failure, Kidney Transplant, Nephrotic Syndrome, Kidney Biopsy, Permcath Insertion, Hypertension Management, Peritoneal Dialysis, Hemodialysis, Chronic Kidney Disease Care.
Address: Dharamshila Narayana Superspecialty Hospital, Vasundhara Enclave, Delhi
Day & Time Of Visit: