What Are The Different Advantages And Disadvantages of Casement Windows?
The windows which when viewed from the side appear to be swinging out are known as casement windows. Although it is usually a part of the window installation process, you can also get them installed as a single window. In locations where the window sash cannot easily be pushed up, the casement windows are often an excellent fit. These are the areas above kitchen countertops and sinks. The beauty of casement windows is that they can be opened and closed like doors. Generally, in most models, the sash can be opened and closed by rotating the crank on the side of the home’s interior. The popularity of casement windows is because of its many benefits:
Windows can be fully opened: In a regular consumer market, casement windows are one of a kind because of this aspect – they can be fully opened. As the sash is almost lifted away off the house with only a thin side attached to it, the window can be opened to its fullest potential. Most of the other styles available in the market will only open halfway at the max.
Clear view – If you like your view from the windows to be clear and unobstructed and also to be able to open the windows fully, then casement windows are the ultimate choice for you. They are the perfect hybrid between sliding sash windows and fixed windows. Most windows are divided by at least one strip, but that is not the case with casement windows. Single-hung and double-hung windows come with two sashes which sport a horizontal strip in between, slider windows come with vertical strip and fixed windows come with no strip.
Catch side breezes – Casement windows promote airflow in the house. That is why they can be of tremendous advantage to someone who wants their windows to catch the breeze. The open sash funnel breezes into the room by acting as a flap. This feature is especially beneficial for someone whose house is tightly boxed in by other buildings in the neighborhood.
However, there are also some disadvantages of casement windows:
Air conditioners cannot be installed – As the windows are cranked outward, air conditioners cannot be installed into casement windows. It is important for installing air conditioners to have the windows sliding up and down, securing the window conditioner unit.
Insect screens and storm windows cannot be installed – As they open outward, screens and storm windows usually stop the windows from opening fully.
Limitations in size and dimension - With casement windows opening outwards, there are limited options in casement and window sizes. It is important that the sash be light enough for the window frame to support the weight when it's open.
Irrespective of its disadvantages, casement windows are so popular because its benefits outweigh the shortcomings. Casement windows are extremely easy to operate as they use tandem latches or single-lever latches. However, you can also fit the models with automatic openers as per your requirement. The excellent ventilation provided by casement windows is also a bonus.