What You Need To Know About Moonshine Still Boilers?

Author: Moonshine Still

Moonshine still boilers are a great heating system. They can even provide comfortable and cost-effective heat. There are several designs of high-quality stills used since time immemorial. Depending on your need and your final product, you need to choose still boilers. They have been made in many different shapes and sizes. Moonshine stills usually refer to an alcohol distiller that makes moonshine. If you want to produce high proof spirits that are made from corn, then you need to use a copper still. This corn liquor is made of using quality moonshine stills under cover of darkness or moonlit nights.

The majority of people usually think moonshiners make corn liquor in the backwoods, but that is not at all true. There have always been many moonshiners producing spirits at home or shop garage with a quality still boilers.

Things to Know About Your Distillery

Starting a distillery is a dream that more and more people share, but it is not something that you should take lightly, or you go into unprepared. There are many essential things you need to know before you drop a wad of cash on a property and a bunch of equipment. Just think you are about to buy a house. There are certain things you wish to have in your home and certain things you can live without them. You have got to decide what you need and what you can afford, right?

Now for the basic setup, you need to have a source of water, a cooker, a fermenter and a still boiler. If you want more production, then you can go for a big one, like 26-gallon moonshine still boiler. You cannot make alcohol without water, so you need a good source of water. A cooker will help you put your grain in along with some H2O to bring everything up to a specific temperature. A fermenter is a large vessel where you can ferment yeast, grain or water slurry.

You are going to need a still to make drinkable alcohol, right? Now the question is copper or stainless distiller? Let us differentiate. A copper still is a great heat conductor that removes sulphur compounds. It is costly and more challenging to clean up.

On the other hand, stainless steel is less expensive than copper. It is durable and easy to clean. But stainless steel distillers are not the best conductor of heat and cannot remove sulphur compounds from the wash.

Summing Up

Copper moonshine still boilers remove all the sulphides that are produced during the distilling process. The most demanding still boilers demand copper for their moonshine stills. Just rinse with water in the time you are finished, and you are done.

If you are new to distilling, then Moonshine-still can help you find the right moonshine still boilers you need. Here at Moonshine-still.co, you will find some of the highest quality workmanship and products. They use No. 1 copper and only lead-free solder. Their products can serve all of your distillation needs. Browse their vast selection of copper and stainless steel distillery equipment for sale, from the smallest still to distillery size; they have it all.