Effective Yoga Techniques That You Can Do at Office

Author: Sarva Yoga

Remember our teachers telling us how ‘Health is Wealth’ and how we must take utmost care of our body. But with every passing day and our hectic schedule, we seem to have lost track of our health. With our 9-5 job being the only priority, we fail to realize the fact that without a healthy body and mind, our work output too will be sluggish.

Furthermore, constantly sitting on the chair can lead to neck, shoulder and back pain. However, different types of yoga asanas will help you reduce these tensions.

And so, we recommend you try the following corporate yoga (desktop yoga) techniques which will help you calm your mind and body. Wrist and Finger Stretch

This is the most manageable desktop yoga technique which can be done at work.

Steps: Sit upright on the chair and take the fingertips of your right hand into the palm of your left hand. Extend your arm forward, at shoulder-height, and gently bend your fingers down toward the back of your wrist until you feel a slight stretch. Count to 5 or 10, then switch hands.

Benefit: This will give your wrists some relief from endless typing and lower your risk of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Seated Crescent Moon Pose

Due to constant slouching on the chair, you might suffer from shoulder or back pain. So, to ease this pain, you must try Seated Crescent Moon Pose.

Steps: Lift your arms above and stretch your fingers. Lean to the right take 2-3 breaths and then continue the same on the other side.

Benefit: This yoga technique helps you correct your posture and at the same time helps you clear your mind.

Desk Chaturanga

By doing this yoga asana, you remind your shoulders to relax, which tend to go soft throughout the day.

Steps: Like pushups, you must place your hands on the edge of the desk as per your shoulder's width and align your torso diagonally. With your feet firmly placed, inhale while you go down and exhale while you come up. Repeat these 8 to 10 times.

Benefit: Desk Chaturanga helps you relax your muscles around the neck.

Dancer’s Pose (Natarajasana)

Dancer’s pose is a wonderful pose that challenges your balance and at the same time stretches your chest and spinal muscles.

Steps: Stand with your feet together and bend your right knee to bring your right heel towards your glute. Place your right hand behind you to hold your right foot. Be in this position for 30 seconds, release and repeat on the other side.

Benefit: This yoga technique helps you build flexibility and coordination throughout your lower half.

Restoration Pose

With the amount of stress, life has to offer it is vital to restore your mind and body.

Steps: Place your feet flat on the floor, lay your head on the desk and wrap your arms around it. Breathe deeply and slowly for 5 minutes.

Benefit: By following this technique you not only unwind yourself, but you also find new energy that keeps you upbeat throughout your day.

Hope you find these desktop yoga techniques helpful. Happy work yoga!