How an NGO Help Children to Enhance Their Lives
A large number of children in India die every year due to lack of medical treatment. The NGOs work with the communities and government to improve the health of children. Child labor is rampant in India in spite of laws against it. The NGOs work to expose and prevent the exploitation of children especially in states like West Bengal and Bihar where child trafficking is rampant. 7.1 million children in India are unable to go to school. The NGOs ensure that every child goes to school. This saves the children from child labor and at the same time, enhances their chances of having a bright future with proper education.
In the times of natural calamities, children are the worst affected. The NGOs ensure their right to survival and development after an emergency. They also train children to resist critical situations during natural disasters. The child protection program run by some NGOs keep in mind the cross cutting themes of child participation, non discrimination and the best interests of the children. The three groups of children that most NGOs mainly work on are children affected by disasters and emergencies, children affected by exploitation and child trafficking, and children in the worst forms of labor and those with inadequate parental care.
These NGOs make an effort to understand the good and best practices. This requires quality monitoring and research and studies in the different fields pertaining to children. Some of the most important activities of the NGOs in enhancing the lives of children include understanding the situation of vulnerable children who require care and protection. Teaching children to be resilient and protect themselves. This includes child led organizations and child to child support. Promoting the reintegration of children into society, who have been stigmatized due to their coping strategies in the absence of protective mechanisms.
Showing society that preventive approach and early intervention is a better alternative to late intervention. Developing community based care and protection systems. One of their endeavors is encompassing broader social welfare, poverty reduction and other national development strategies, for building the care and protection of children.
They also focus on encouraging duty bearers to deliver effective care and protection. NGOs advocate the legal and policy reforms in favor of the principles and standards of the child rights.
You can learn more about the role played by NGOs in reforming the lives of children by searching on the internet. Many such NGOs are active in India and are doing laudable work. Please visit National NGO for more.
About The Author:-
We strongly believe that the disadvantaged need opportunities not charity and our focus is to bring about a positive change in the lives of the most vulnerable people of our society. With this aim we partner with grass root programmes. At National Organization for Social Empowerment we bridge the gap between such NGOs and corporates or individuals who wish to support development work in the country thus enabling each organisation to concentrate on its core activity.