Little Acts of Kindness (Part ll)

Author: Bookmy Cde

Previously we spoke about how little words of encouragement, acts of kindness, not only make you a better person but takes your practice to an elite level which in this corporate world is hard to find.

Arrange Dental Camps:

When you arrange dental camps for patients for dental awareness, here are a few things that happen:

  • You come out as a doctor who is dedicated to the welfare of society.
  • You get more patients in one place.
  • You get to people, who had no idea how much dental care they needed because "they had no pain.
  • This is one of the best ways to give back to society what you earned from it.

Who is the "hand of the king"?

Have you been to dominoes? Of course, you have! They display employee of the month, imagine the pic of the best employee displayed for the whole month, not only is it motivating for the staff but is a big boost for the winner to perform. Success is addictive and so is fame.

Show them some love :

You have a patient who is getting treatment from your clinic, for decades and maybe it’s their family clinic now. What have you done to make them feel appreciated? Do they know that you value them as much as they do?

You can always give gift coupons to your patients, stating that, they can invest that voucher in a good water flosser or a dental kit. They will always remember you every time they use it.

Same goes with your staff, your receptionist sat all day while your clinic was getting renovated, did you thank her, or did you decide that it’s her duty? It’s definitely NOT. Do you appreciate your staff members in front of the patients? If not then start doing so.

Getting a staff who is honest and dedicated to you is hard to find. Keep them close.

Make your workplace a happy place, a place where your staff looks forward to coming every morning and your patients who know will be taken care of well.

Robinhood approach is not wrong:

It is okay to sometimes give the best treatment to the ones who cannot afford it while you know that there is a specific section in the society that can easily pay any amount that you quote.

Hire compassionate people:

People who cannot empathize with patients in pain cannot be left with patients and are naturally, not a good fit for a healthcare organization. Prioritizing tik-tok videos and facebook over patients leave a negative impact on the caring ambiance you are trying to create. Imagine a patient in pain who is waiting for his appointment, your receptionist instead of assuring him about the treatment is busy listening to Bhojpuri songs. Teach your staff to be courteous, compassionate, professional and most of all kind

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