Do blue light glasses work for migraine?

Author: Blutech Lenses

In today’s digital world, millions of people deal with migraine attacks regularly. If you are one of them, you don’t need to worry as there is an effective solution to deal with it. A pair of blue light glasses is one of the best ways to stop migraine attacks. But before knowing how these glasses help fight migraines, you need to know whether your headache is a migraine or not?

Is your headache a migraine?

If you ever experience nausea, vomiting or temporary vision loss, migraines might be the reason behind them. Migraines are distinguished as severe headaches.

But what can exactly trigger these debilitating migraine attacks?

Unfortunately, there can be dozens of reasons for having migraine headaches. But, if you know the general causes, you can try to pinpoint your triggers. Mentioned below are some of the most common causes of this problem:

  • Lack of food or a balanced meal
  • Excessive caffeine
  • Stress or anxiety
  • Head injury
  • Female hormonal changes
  • Drug use
  • Changes in your normal routine
  • Flashing or flickering lights

While there are different causes of migraines, blue light is also one of the main reasons. Blue light activates the trigeminal nerve which plays a large role in causing pain during a migraine attack. When you spend most of your time in front of a digital screen, it is likely you are exposed to blue light from these devices. It is a big cause of these headaches. And it can even worsen symptoms as well like dizziness, nausea, light sensitivity and more. Although it becomes the most dangerous after sunset, it can trigger migraines during daytime also. So, you should precautions before things get worse. This is where migraine relief glasses come in picture.

How blue light blocking glasses can help with migraines symptoms?

Wearing a pair of blue blockers is one of the best ways to reduce headaches and improve your sleep. Known as computer glasses, their lenses are specially designed to block destructive blue light emitted from the digital screens. Besides, they give your eyes a welcome break by helping your eyes rest and recover. By wearing them, you can even reduce their symptoms. Here are a few points listed when you should wear them to help fight your battle with these severe headaches.

  • Whenever you experience symptoms of migraine
  • On extremely bright, sunny days
  • When you are in front of digital screens all-day
  • When you are working on digital devices at night
  • If you are working under the fluorescent lighting for an extended period of time

So, there is nothing easier and more effective way than using blue light filters when it comes to preventing and combating your migraine pain. Though these filters are not a cure-all, they can help to alleviate common migraine symptoms and prevent them.

Are you looking for the best blue blockers? If yes, you need to contact blue light glasses dealers to find a one pair of glasses that suits you. These glasses can not only reduce migraines symptoms but also improve your overall eye health.