Behold The Spectacular Views of Tenerife With A Flight From Ifonche

Author: Kangaroo Tandem

Tourists arriving at Tenerife have ample options to amaze themselves and make the most of their holiday period. Apart from the many top attractions, the island features a diverse range of adventure sports for soul-enriching experiences. Paragliding in Tenerife is a popular adventure sport that attracts tourists from Spain and many other countries.

Ifonche, Taucho, and El Teide National Park are famous on the Canarian island for their enthralling paragliding experiences.

Read further to know exciting stuff about paragliding at Tenerife.

Take Off From Ifonche For A Rejuvenating Experience

Tenerife is known as the "Island of Eternal Spring," as tourists from all over the world throng to the island to relax and rejuvenate. The warm and pleasant climate serves perfectly to the purpose that offers so much to do on the island. Tandem paragliding in Ifonche is increasingly popular as it leaves tourists spellbound with an amazing aerial journey.

For the first-timers, paragliding from Ifonche could be a life-changing experience as they will have a perfect date with the scenic beauty and enormity of nature. Many people arrive on the island to accomplish their dream of flying for the first time. They achieve this feat through the help of licensed paragliding companies operating on the island that offer tandem paragliding flights.

Talking about Ifonche, it is a famous take-off spot at an altitude of 1100m in the town of Adeje. It is located inside a protected natural area called "Special Natural Reserve of Barranco del Infierno".

Take Off From Ifonche

Journey In Detail

One of Tenerife’s most popular take-off spots for tandem paragliding, Ifonche attracts adrenaline junkies from all over the world. The scenic beauty of the town visible from the altitude of 1100m is more than enough to entice tourists to go for paragliding. In tandem paragliding, tourists are accompanied by a trained pilot having ample experience of flying. Before launching, the pilot briefs about the safety measures and how to take-off and land. They also help in putting on the equipment and paragliding gear.

Tourists trying for the first time have to be calm, composed, and collected as the pilot readies them for the flight. As you take-off from Ifonche, the land beneath disappears and you do not have to do anything. Just enjoy the unique experience in complete tranquility and feel free like a bird. Witness the breathtaking views of picturesque landscapes, mountain slopes, pine, and volcanic formations.

The flight lasts for 20-30 minutes depending upon the wind conditions as the pilot chooses the safest option to take-off and land that could make your journey unforgettable. You will be glide past the surroundings of Los Roques before descending to Costa Adeje to land on La Enramada beach. Thermal air currents and wind conditions play a vital role in the descent of the flight when the pilot will look to land at the La Enramada beach.

landing on La Enramada beach

Make The Aerial Journey A Highlighting Experience Of Your Life With Kangaroo Tandem

We are driven by the triumphant feeling our customers have at the end of every paragliding journey. Whether its take off from Ifonche, Taucho, or El Teide National Park, we ensure that the tourists have the most amazing experience of their life.