Reasons to Replace Your Electrical Wall Outlets

Author: Boss Lyn

Okay, if you haven’t replaced your old wall outlets in the last few years and you consider it is an unnecessary expense that you can completely avoid, then you need to change your this ideology. That’s because you should not replace electric wall outlets in your home because they are getting old. You need to replace them because they are not able to offer you the desired level of safety and functions anymore.

However, if you are still not sure about replacing your electric wall outlets, then we will share a series of scenarios when you should replace your old wall sockets and invest in some good quality new electric plugs.

Scene #1. Cracked Wall Sockets

If you are observing that your wall sockets have been cracked from different places and dust particles are freely entering inside your electric socket, then this is the first indication that you should replace your old electric wall socket. The dust particles which stores in the old wall socket will create a problem of short circuit which will eventually cause the fire to emerge in your home. It is going to be the same scenario when hair clogged your bathroom. So, when you see small cracks in your wall sockets, then you should immediately invest in some GFCI outlet with USB support to ease out your life.

Scene #2. Construction Kills Switches

Okay, so if you recently have a construction in your home, then this might cause damage to your electric switches. By painting your home walls or running heavy machinery on your electric switches, you might damage your electric switchboard and this will be the reason to replace them. Sometimes while painting the wall, the droplets of paint might fall on your switches and destroy them. So, in that case, you should look for different NEMA plug types, but in our recommendation, NEMA 14-50 plugs are the best for residential uses.

Scene #3. Overheating of the Plugs

If you find the plate is warm and the screws holding the plate to the wall are hot to the touch, this is a sure sign of overheating. The overheating is caused because of the over-exhaustion of your electrical switches. When you are using your plugs constantly or operating heavy machinery on your electric switches for a long time, then the problem of overheating occurs mainly. So, you need to immediately replace your heating switchboard soon if you don’t want to suffer from an electric short circuit at your home or office.

Scene #4. Outdated Technology

Technology becomes obsolete with the passage of time, especially electronic technology changes frequently. So, if you haven’t replaced your electric plugs in the last two decades, then you are using a very old technology that is not able to handle your new gadgets plus old technology doesn’t come with the energy-saving technology. To save up your energy consumption level, you need to invest in the new switches technology.

Okay, so we have given you sufficient reasons to invest in the latest electric switches and replace your old ones instantly. Now, if you haven’t replaced your switches, then do it today.

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