Dental Implant Surgery: What to Expect?

Author: Nisha Dhankhar

Dental implant surgery is an alternative to dentures or bridgework that doesn’t fit well. This can offer an option when a lack of natural teeth roots doesn’t allow building denture or bridgework tooth replacements. Wondering how dental implant procedure performed? Depends on the type of implant and the condition of your jawbone, your dentist Quakers Hill perform!

Dental implant surgery may involve several procedures. This is what discusses here.

Step 1:

Your dentist will take x-rays for evaluative and prognostic purposes. X-rays, panoramic X-rays, or a 3D CT scan will be used to determine bone and gum condition and to identify anything warnings.

Step 2:

Then your dentist will take the impression of your teeth to make new artificial teeth. They will then open your mouth and the tray will be removed and sent to a lab for processing. Once the impression is taken, your artificial teeth will be crafted by the professionals with quality material.

Step 3:

Then based on your condition, your Quakers Hill dental will give anaesthesia to assure a pain-free procedure before extract the teeth. Then the dentist will extract the damaged teeth. It doesn’t take long to pull a tooth, but if it is fractured, your dentist will be more cautious to avoid fragmentation. You will feel a little pressure and tugging as your dentist wiggles the tooth out.

One day after the extraction, you will be asked not to smoke, drink through a straw, spit excessively, or blow your nose.

Step 4:

After the healing process, your dentist will drill a hole in your jawbone

This will feel similar to having a cavity drilled. In some cases, your dentist may have to make an incision in your gum to expose the bone, in which case suturing (stitches) will be necessary. Then, he/ she will insert the implant deep into your jawbone. This serves as an artificial root for your new tooth. Depending on the condition of your jawbone, a bone graft may be necessary.

Step 5

As your jawbone heals, it will fuse with the dental implant. After the healing process, the abutment is tightened with a dental torque wrench so that it remains in place during chewing. Then your permanent crown is attached to the abutment and voila!

Are you looking to have dental implant? Contact the right Quakers Hill dentist, and proceed accordingly!

The author of this article is a leading Quakers Hill dentist. In this article, he explained the dental implant surgery. To learn more, visit