Know The Different Diamond Colours That Can Add To Your Classic Jewellery Picks

Author: Rohit Agarwal

Diamonds have always been special and the most expensive gemstone. It has adorned men and women since ages and still is the most sought-after stone.

We all know that the diamond prices vary depending upon the colour, size, clarity and carat, but they are also separated based upon the physical and chemical properties.

Wearing a diamond pendant for any party has its own elegance, but this cannot be denied that choosing the colour that is authentic can be a bit difficult.

Among all the diamonds, only 20% of these are used as a gemstone. Here is a list of colours of diamonds that you had not heard about but can add to your collection.

White Diamonds- These diamonds are the most used form of diamonds that are found in abundance and are also expensive. These are widely used for gifts, wedding jewellery, party wears, engagement jewellery. These are available widely in all parts of the world.

Blue Diamonds- These are one of the rarest of the diamonds, very sparsely available all over the world. Due to its scarce nature, it is extremely expensive although a fancy custom-made blue diamond is available ranging from a variety of blue shades from turquoise blue to sapphire blue.

Pink Champagne Diamonds- These diamonds are attractive and display a slight pinkish colour. The prices of pink diamonds vary according to the carat and are a bit higher as compared to the same champagne diamonds. The hues range from purple to light pinkish when they display light.

Yellow Diamonds- Also known as canary diamonds are available in a wide range of yellow colours. The price of the pendants vary depending upon the yellowish tint in the diamond- the more yellow the tint, more is the cost.

Orange Diamonds- These diamonds are referred to as the pumpkin diamonds, because of the 5.54 carat stone. The intensity of these diamonds is rated according to their colour, by GIA ranging from faint orange, very light Orange, Light Orange to Fancy deep orange. The more is the colour intensity level, more is the cost of the diamonds.

The purest of the diamonds is the orange diamonds if it doesn’t have any overtone colour, in terms of rarity it ranks just after red, violet, pink and blue.

Similarly, the price of these diamonds falls if it has any modifying colour over it.

Purple diamonds- These diamonds are found from the Argyle mines of Australia. Purple diamonds occur naturally only if they do not have any added colour over them. The GIA (Gemological Institute of America) has classified these stones basis of 12 main colours.

Green diamonds- An origin of India these diamonds are mostly found in the Madhya Pradesh region. They have a natural green colour and can be treated under conditions to bring this colour.

These different coloured diamonds are used in different pieces of jewellery, biz- rings, pendants, neckpieces. At times a solitaire in the diamond pendant or in the engagement ring can make you look classier. The diamond pendant prices for the different colours vary according to the carat and the purity of the diamond.