6 Things That You Must Look For In The Ideal Solar PV Installer

Author: Diksha Sharma

Choosing the right solar installer emerges as one of the most challenging parts of the solar panel installation process. It is essential to evaluate potential rooftop solar installers thoroughly before you pick one. The question is, how to do you choose from hundreds of solar rooftop companies available out there? Don’t worry, here are some guidelines for you to follow while choosing your solar installer:

Always look out for the solar PV installer in your vicinity

Looking for a solar PV installer with a local presence is always helpful as the installer close to your location will not only be able to install your solar system within the stipulated time but will also be able to provide you with the proper after-sales service. With your installer being at an approachable distance any technical breakdown can be delt and resolved in as minimum delay as possible.

Do a thorough research of the projects done by your installer

Evaluating the number of projects completed by the solar installer is extremely necessary. This will help understand the acumen of the installer; the quality of work that they can deliver. A solar installer with a high number of projects will have intensive practical experience in designing and commissioning solar systems. Going solar with such an installer will give you an assurance of high performing solar system with strong after-sales service support.

A thorough check on the engineering expertise of the solar PV installer team

The engineering behind your solar system dictates not just the savings that you will make on your electricity bills but also the overall life of your solar system. An ideal solar system is a product of precise engineering; taking into account all the factors which influence the power generation capacity of a solar system, such solar irradiance, shadow analysis and etc.. A solar installer with experience in execution of large scale solar projects will represent strong expertise. The best way to confirm this is to visit the previously commissioned solar project by the installer and talking to their existing customers.

Relationship Maintained by Solar PV installer with top suppliers and vendors

A solar installer who deals with the top vendors and suppliers of the market will be capable of providing you with the latest technology. Furthermore, the installer will get the technologies to you at competitive pricing. Furthermore, if the installer has a trustful relationship with the top vendors of the industry, it would enable them to also efficiently stand by the warranties and guarantees. Therefore, it is beneficial to investigate your solar installer about their vendors and suppliers.

Reputation in the market

Reviews from the past customers of a solar PV installer are an excellent way of evaluating the installers. Ratings and reviews can give you a heads-up about the bad reputation of the installers. If you observe a pattern of customer complaints, it is probably an indication that you should consider a different installer. In this digital world, just a little bit of right research will give you the answers to what the existing customers are talking about their solar installers.

Flexible financing and necessary warranties offered by the Solar PV Installer

Going solar will help you save a lot of money on your electricity bills every year, but the truth is that going solar is still a sizeable investment. In such a scenario, having a financing option from the installer makes going solar easy and more economical.

Various companies such as Mysun (one of the leading solar rooftop companies in India) provide easy payment options for both the Residential and industrial and commercial customers.

Going solar is a rewarding investment and the right solar partner makes this investment-worthy. Hence, it’s crucial to find a company that you can trust. We hope with the points laid above can find your right solar partner and reap the benefits of solar.