Quartz heating element

Author: Devid Smith

From time to time we are getting lots of queries related to how to repair when to repair etc, etc from our customers. It’s not only inspiring us to share more articles related to troubleshooting and replacement of parts, but also strengthen our views. As when we describe PartsFPS, we espouse the view of – "Change everything but trash nothing". We believe that you can repair your Restaurant Equipment without throwing it out.

So today’s topic is how to troubleshoot Quartz Heating Element and how to do the servicing. Below we are going to share few problems and ways how to solve them.

1. Elements Shut Off During Cooking:

There are two sets of Quartz Heating Elements in the toaster oven. One set is on the bottom and set it on top of the oven. Sometimes it happens that one set is not working and another set is doing the whole cooking. But the next situation is shutting of the elements fully. In this type of instance,s it’s possible that the element has faded or has a shorted wire, and may need to be replaced.

2. Elements Don't Glow Evenly:

According to the manuals of the toaster oven, it is not necessary that the glow of the heating element indicates its level of heat. So if an element glows at different brightness intensities, don’t worry it’s likely still functioning normally. A properly working element glows at various strengths of brightness and generating consistent heat across the entire chamber – this is important.

3. Can't Clean Elements If Dirty:

Cleaning the Quartz Heating Element can damage it; so, unfortunately, you can’t clean a Quartz Element. It is extremely fragile and breaks easily. You must leave food there if food spills on the element and allow it to bake off over time with additional oven use.

4. Elements Break Easily:

As the Quartz Element is very fragile, we advise you that it is better not touch or attempt to handle a Quartz Element. Make sure that you are not using an oven that has cracked heating element as it can start an oven fire. And immediately go for the replacement of the element. Try to keep food on a baking sheet, broiling pan or shelf, avoid keeping it directly on an element.

These are the few common problems faced by the people, now we will proceed to the nest section that is how to do the servicing of the elements.

Servicing Heating Elements:

To your toaster oven, a heating element is vital. A high resistance wire that glows as electricity flows through it - is the main functionality of the heating element. Heating Elements, then, are easy to test. Here's how:

  • 1. By touching a continuity tester or multi-tester probe to each end of the element, make sure whether there is a clear path for electric current or not
  • 2. Remove the Heating Element if there is no clear path. By unscrewing both ends remove the element. The replace of the element depending on the how it is to remove as well as the price of the oven.
  • 3. As the element wires are fragile be very careful while replacing the Quartz Heating Element that you should not distort the shape of the new element by any chance. So after removing the faulty element, fix another identical element.

But what if you are facing a problem with the equipment, the only solution checks the issue and repairs it. PartsFPS has the expertise to bring your equipment back to peak operating condition as we are selling the Quartz Heating element that you require for the repair purpose. Our forte is the fast shipping and comparatively less price from the market.