Water Sanitation and Hygiene Improving Water, Improving Life!

Author: Shubham Karnani

In recent times, wastewater definition need not any formal introduction, we all know about the what’s’ and the why’s. The question arises for how, where we chug in. Unhealthy for human consumption! No doubt, but deemed unusable, rather not. This water treated safely can have a fair amount of applications.

Wastewater has to be treated before release because it has been adversely affected by domestic, commercial, agricultural or industrial uses, which has serious implications in the environment. The composition of wastewater varies as its’ sources, ranging from mildly polluted storm water runoff to toxic wastewater from chemical, pharmaceutical, and metal industries.

Water Sanitation is a process to purify contaminated water which otherwise cannot be utilized further, thereby making it reusable. Pathogens, organic and inorganic matter, suspended solid, dissolved gases, paint emulsions, toxic chemicals like pesticides, bio-solids, and many more unwanted substances interfere with the quality and need treatment to make it reusable, since water is a limited resource.

According to a survey report, about three-fifth of total water in India was found to be toxic and of no use.

Scarcity of freshwater supply has driven urban and rural farmers to treat waste water from all possible sources which is regularly contaminated with untreated domestic and commercial wastes. Immobile places of water, including streams, tanks, and pipelines generally get contaminated or polluted because of the convergence of urbanization and unplanned utilization. Untreated wastewater utilized for watering system poses potential risk to wellbeing of both consumers and irrigators, and wastewater sanitation concerns need to be satisfactorily attended.

Most common practices carried out to prevent water from being contaminated are:

  • Safe techniques to use waste water
  • Checking the outflow of industrial wastes into water sources like rivers, ponds, etc.
  • Preventing contamination of crops with chemicals and or pathogens
  • Preventing contamination of drinking water sources
  • Managing water and crops to prevent expansion of vector borne diseases

Wastewater sanitation/ treatment are broken into three levels, or in other words, there are three stages of treating waste water.

  • One treatment involves the removal of unwanted, suspended or dissolved solids from crude sewage. This treatment traps strong objects and sediments using gravitational force to evacuate suspended solids.
  • Another follow up treatment expels the already dissolved organic matter that may have missed out on the first essential treatment. This is accomplished by microorganisms thriving on the organic matter as food, and changing it over to carbon dioxide, water, and energy for their growth and development.
  • Final treatment cleans as well as disinfects relatively considerable number of polluting influences from sewage, producing effluent of water through routine chemical treatment.

Chemtex Speciality Limited is one of the leading manufacturers of Water Treatment Chemicals, meeting all the standard industrial and commercial needs and requirements.