What Are Essential Oils And Their Benefits

Author: Riki William

Have you ever heard about essential oils? These are nothing but compounds which are extracted from different plants. These oils contain the flavor, scent or essence of different plants. These oils are extracted through the process of distillation (via water or steam). Besides, there are different other types of mechanical methods which are also used. Cold pressing is one of the most common one. After extracting the aromatic chemicals from the plant, they are mixed with a special type of oil, carrier oil to be precise. After the chemicals are mixed with this oil, the final product comes into the picture.

Essential Oils – How Do They Work?

When it comes to essential oils, they are mostly used in aromatherapy. This is a traditional ayurvedic method of therapy, where the subject is supposed to inhale the oil using different types of methods. It needs to be mentioned in this regard, that essential oils should not be swallowed. There are different ways in which the chemicals in these oils can interact with your body. According to some experts, there are certain methods of application which can improve the rate of absorption of the essential chemicals present in these oils. Applying with heat to different parts of the body is believed to be as one of the most effective means of using these oils. If the aromas of the essential oils are inhaled, it can help to stimulate the limbic system of your body. Besides, these oils have also proven to be very effective when it comes to rejuvenating your brain and nervous system.

Benefits Of Using Essential Oils

As far as benefits of essential oils are concerned, there are many.

  • It has been clinically proven that these oils are very useful for elevating the level of energy in the body. Besides, they also help to boost the digestive system
    • Lavender is one of the key components to be used in these oils.
  • Lavender is considered to be an excellent stress relieving agent
    • Essential oils are also very useful for improving overall skin conditions. Those who are suffering from different skin related issues like eczema, can benefit a lot by using essential oils
    • One of the major benefits of using these oils is the fact that they offer relief from anxiety

Apart from these, there are multiple different other types of benefits which these oils have to offer.

If you are looking for the best quality essential oil, in that case, there are different brands which are available in the market. These oils are extracted through the process of distillation (via water or steam). Besides, there are different other types of mechanical methods which are also used. Cold pressing is one of the most common one. The use of essential oils goes back to more than thousand years. These oils have gone through different types of modifications. Today, we have the best of products available in the market. Essential oils are made of pure natural elements and offers incredible health benefits.