RTA - Ultimate End to End Solution For MF Investors and Companies
The transaction of the mutual fund includes a number of activities digitally as well as manually. Some investor transactions like buying, selling, and switching share need to be recorded and updated properly by the mutual fund companies to be prepared for further future activities. In such case, RTA serves as an ultimate end to end solution for both MF investors and companies.
In some cases, investor’s addresses, names or bank details need to be changed or updated, Investors also need to dematerialize or rematerialize their shares and securities, along with they need to care about the payout dividend.
Investors and mutual fund companies often get busy with their core responsibilities and dont have enough time to complete tasks like recordkeeping, form submission, etc.
Registrar and Transfer Agent ServicesThe direct answer is RTA or Registrar & Transfer Agent Services, they take care of all the tasks which are mentioned above, One of the top RTA Service SAG RTA not only records all the transactions by the investors (mutual fund) on behalf of mutual fund companies but they also facilitate investors in their mutual fund related job.
Updating investor’s addresses, names or bank details, dematerialize or rematerialize their shares and securities, payout dividend, are some of the basic responsibility of RTA, SAG RTA Registrar and Transfer Agent helps investors on the next level like it helps investors in settling the IEPF claim, in CDSL/NSDL depositories procedure, and dividends Payment through ECS transfer, and many more advanced tasks.
To clear all the doubts (if any) and to provide all the information about RTA Services we prepared answers to all the questions which will come into your mind.
What Registrar & Share Transfer Agent Really Means?RTAs or Registrar and share transfer agents are the authorized institution or trust which record and maintain accurate records of the investor’s transaction to provide extreme convenience to the mutual fund or other financial institution. Some major companies often have many investors, so to record all transactions accurately they choose a third-party RTA Agents in the Mutual world.
Which are the leading RTA agents in the Mutual Fund world of India?Some reputed RTA agents in the Mutual Fund world of India are listed below:
Registrar and share transfer agents is an all in one solution for companies who have many investors. R&T Agent take responsibility for Investor’s personal data updation, record-keeping, payout dividends, etc. RTAs are the professionals and work through the branches which are extended all over the nation, so they all the Rules and regulation and meets the need of investors and mutual fund companies.
RTAs keep investors updated about new offers, changes, and schemes to assist investors to make a beneficial deal. So they also can be considered as marketing personnel for mutual fund companies. RTAs provide an ultimate and end-to-end solution (E2ES) to all the three layers of stakeholders (Investors, Distributors and the AMC) of Mutual Fund Companies.
RTAs provide a robust solution for investors and avoid wandering them to Mutual Fund Officers. They will keep the Investors updated about forms of fund houses, dates of dividend distribution, FMPs (Fixed maturity plans) maturity dates, and new offers.
RTAs also take care of the transactions of investors (if needed) and procure statements of their accounts. One important thing we want to mention that Mutual Fund companies Pay RTA from the recovered fund from investors, RTAs do not charge any fee/ payment from mutual fund investors.
RTA service providers must be availed from SEBI to provide all the facilities properly. SAG Infotech’s SAG RTA is accredited by SEBI and it is one of the leading RTA service providers. Feel free to contact us to know more and use our services. SAG RTA is dedicated to providing all the facilities with accuracy and adherence to prevailing laws.