How to deail with my bad hair?
Do you know what it is like to walk into a room and want to shrink into the shadows? I do. When I see women with long, full hair I immediately loose confidence and want to run away. My hair is very fine and very thin. To some, this might not seem like much of a problem. But it is. My hair will not hold curl to make it look fuller. If I straighten my hair it looks even thinner. If I do not style it, it looks awful and unkempt. My solution? A low ponytail that hides my receding hairline. It’s so embarrassing. I understand that many people suffer with hair conditions that are much more severe, but I also would not wish fine, thin hair on anyone! My hair is so thin that it shows oil very quickly. It does not matter if I wash my hair every day-the oil is still awful. A hair stylist told me once that I washed my hair too much, so I went days in between washing. Oh, was it terrible! I looked like I had not bathed in weeks. I did not leave the house, or if I had to go somewhere, I would wear a hat. But wearing a hat is not much better. It makes me look like a boy because I have so little hair that hangs below the hat. That is not because of length, but because of how thin my hair is. In the past, I have tried hair extensions from wholesaler of Umihair. They were very expensive, $2000 if I remember correctly. The extensions were glued around very small portions of my hair. I sat in the salon chair for eight hours! It felt amazing to have full hair, like I was queen of the world! It definitely boosted my confidence. Then, when the extensions started coming out, it was very awkward. I could not run my fingers through my hair in public without the fear of a chunk of hair coming out in my hand. After all the extensions fell out, I did not have the resources to replace them. Life was great for a couple of months though. Now, my go to is having my hair highlighted. I do not have enough income to get from nano ring hair extensions supplier or from a salon, so I go about six months in between and have a friend do it for me for twenty bucks. This helps the appearance of my hair a little, but I feel like it is only because I am damaging my hair and drying it out that it looks fuller and less greasy. Even so, the appearance of my hair is only marginally better. I have tried several shampoos and conditioners. I have tried vitamins and supplements. Yet, none of them helped much. A woman’s hair is her crown, and my crown is pitiful and lackluster. It would be amazing to find something that would help me have fuller, thicker hair that I could afford. That would give me more confidence. It is hard talking to people when you feel like you look awful. I feel like I always look awful because of my hair. If I try to style it, it falls flat and looks stringy. If I add product, it gets oily in only a couple hours. I feel like thicker, fuller hair would help build my confidence, as right now I really do not like to be in front of people because of how I look. It would be great if there were inexpensive solutions, however, I have yet to find any. I have heard of special shampoos and supplements that are supposed to help regrow hair and make it thicker. All of them are too expensive for me though. Are all the solutions only for people with a lot of disposable income? All of my family’s income goes to bills, food, and taking care of our four kids. I rarely spend money on myself, and when I do, I feel guilty. Maybe one day when the kids are older, I will have enough to pay for extensions again. Sometimes I worry that my daughters will have the same hair issues that I have. But since I have what I have and cannot change it, I try to stay positive. I will continue to get highlights when I can. I will try to instill confidence in my girls strong enough to overcome any issue-hair or otherwise. Really that is all any of us can do, keep going. Even though my hair makes me sad, I can keep trying different options and try not to let it keep me from doing things. I cannot promise that my hair will not keep me from enjoying life-but I can sure try. Therefore, I will be thankful as best as I can that I do have hair.