Easily Add reCAPTCHA to WordPress Comment Form

Author: Taqi Ahmed

Are you looking for the steps to add reCAPTCHA to your WordPress comment form?

Well, you might have been fed up with the weird comments and spam that encounters your comment form. Not to worry at all, as there exists a great way to eliminate the spam practically without turning off the comments. It’s CAPTCHA that you can append to your comment form.

Today, we are here to reveal the steps that assist you in adding reCAPTCHA to the comment form of your WordPress site. Before that, we will first know about Google reCAPTCHA so that the one who is strange to it may get to know.

What is Google reCAPTCHA?

It’s free and an anti-spam service that Google offers. Effective, easy to use and implement, it’s the widely used Captcha API. Read more about it on Google, you will get every adhered information about it.

Now, we will move ahead towards adding Google reCAPTCHA to your WordPress comment form and check out the working.

Primarily, it showcases the users with an easy Checkbox that should be clicked by them to pass the test. If, the test doesn’t validate, for some reason, then the user will be exposed to a challenge recognizing the text as an image or the matching objects in various images.

Steps to Set-up Google reCAPTCHA

Now, let’s all check out some easy steps to set-up Google reCAPTCHA and append to the WordPress comment form.

Step 1: Google reCAPTCHA, Get started

Firstly, one is required to install and then activate the reCAPTCHA in the WordPress comments form plugin.

Post activation, he needs to open Setting>> reCAPTCHA in the Comment Page to configure plugin settings.

Later, the plugin will ask the person to offer Google reCAPTCHA API keys. He can create these keys all for free from the reCAPTCHA official website.

Step 2: Register the Website to Get reCAPTCHA API Keys

To add a reCAPTCHA checkbox to the comment form, the plugin requires two Google API keys. To get them, just move towards the Google reCAPTCHA website and tap on the ‘Admin Console’ button lying at the top-right edge of the screen.

The performer will then be asked to sign in with his Google Account. Later on, he will see a page, "Register a new site" where he will require to offer some fundamental information to register his website.

Firstly, he is asked to write his website name or any tag of his preference in the Label field. This will aid him to identify his website easily in the future.

Three options will just pop up. From those, he will click on "I’m not a robot checkbox" option as we are onto a track towards adding the reCAPTCHA checkbox on our website.

There will be a Domains textbox that will permit the user to append the domain name to his website where he wants to add it.

One can append several domains or even the subdomains just by clicking on the ‘+’ (plus) icon. This will permit him to employ the same API keys on distinct websites.

After he finished up with the form filling, he can then click on the "Submit" button to register his website. Then, he can reveal a success message taking along the secret key and the site key on this page.

Now, he is all set to employ these API keys in the setting of the plugin on his website.

Step 3: Append reCAPTCHA to WordPress Comment Form

Now, he is needed to move towards Setting>> reCAPTCHA in the Comments (from the left-sidebar of the Admin Panel) then he is required to scroll down to paste the secret key and site key.

After completing all the above, he will click on button named, " Save your Google reCAPTCHA API Keys pair" to save the API keys and enable the reCAPTCHA by taping on the toggle button and then move ahead clicking on Save Changes.

The plugin also holds an option of Anti-spam Settings that permit one to finalize a decision of what to act when the plugin identifies a security breach or unauthorized comment.

A message will arrive, "Congratulations, you’ve successfully added reCAPTCHA to your WordPress comment form."

Note: reCAPTCHA checkbox will be viewed only to the logged out users.

Wrapping Lines

We hope you find this blog post as a helpful tutorial for you to add reCAPTCHA while your WordPress website development comment form.