Treatments of Cognitive Decline

Author: Archibal Dlister

Cognitive decline is when an individual begins to have trouble with learning new things, remembering, concentrating and making everyday decisions. This goes on a scale as there is mild cases and more severe cases. In the age of new scientific discoveries and advanced technologies, there could be ways to fight off or reverse cognitive decline altogether.

New Treatments

There are new treatments on the horizon involving cognitive decline, including specific new treatments for Alzheimer’s disease. It’s said that individuals may benefit from spending time is a hyperbaric oxygen chamber. This gives the body pure oxygen and helps with blood flow and tissue repair. It’s suggested that doing this will help the brain repair itself by using the increased flow of oxygen and blood. Another new up and coming way of treatment is using young stem cells. Stem cells regenerate and repair damaged tissue in the body. There are recent studies that show by injecting new stem cells into damaged areas, they can repair and reverse problems that the old stem cells could not. This is not a treatment yet, however it shows promise for the future and that it is possible to prevent and reverse Alzheimer’s and other diseases related to cognitive decline. Other treatments catered towards Alzheimer’s disease include drugs that focus on removing plaques that form into clumps in the brain. Plaques that clump together are a characteristic sign of Alzheimer’s disease. Drugs that prevent this are more helpful for early stages of the disease.


Dementia is a form of cognitive decline that can be tricky because no single test can diagnose it. Usually several tests are run by the doctor to recognize the loss of skills and functions and what the individual is still able to do. Dementia is similar to Alzheimer’s and the new treatments are much the same. Stem cell research shows promise for dementia in the same way it does with Alzheimer’s. As of right now most dementia types cannot be cured, there are only ways to manage the symptoms. Dementia treatment options include several different medications that help specific things like boosting memory, regulating glutamate, and helping sleep disturbances. There are also therapy treatment options for a more holistic approach, going to an occupational therapist is a way to teach you coping behaviors and can show you how to modify your home to be safer. Modifying your surrounding environment is a way to reduce clutter and make it easier for individuals with dementia to focus and function. Lastly always try to simplify tasks, even easy ones that are done daily. Focusing on steps and routine helps reduce confusion and promote success.

Cognitive decline can seem scary and hopeless but there are new treatments that provide a huge amount of promise and hope. There are several medications that can help improve daily functions and slow down the process of decline. Modifying your life and surrounds with things that will help with your condition will make everyday tasks easier and safer.