Winter Blues or SAD? How to Know and What to Do?

Author: Real Esaletter

Winter blues is a seasonal bout of depression that is caused during the long, cold and dark winter days. People suffering from winter blues feel lethargic and gloomy but still, the condition does not hinder their ability to perform any of their activities or tasks.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a more severe form of this depression and people suffering from this, struggle with symptoms like lack of energy, sleep disturbance, de-motivation, overeating, loss of interest and serious and sudden mood shift.

Besides all of these, you can also get an emotional support dog, cat or rabbit to keep your company in those cold and dark winter nights. Getting a genuine ESA letter is the only thing that you need to get a fluffy companion.

Causes of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

What causes SAD and why does it happen in cold and dark days only? SAD is a serious problem and the people suffering from it are unable to perform their daily tasks.

Below are some common reasons that cause this disorder:

Increased Serotonin Levels

Serotonin levels usually decrease in winters that protects us from any seasonal stress. The hormone is a neurotransmitter and works to regulate mood in humans and is bound with a specific kind of protein. This protein dips down in winters, which protects us from the depression that usually comes with cold seasons.

Reportedly, people with SAD do not experience any such drop in serotonin, which causes the symptoms in them.

  1. Disturbed Melatonin

Melatonin is responsible to regulate our sleep pattern and is produced by the action of the sunlight. Since, in winter, sunlight is less, this balance disturbs and causes severe depression.

  1. Reduction in Vitamin D

Vitamin D is associated with serotonin and because we usually get less sunlight in the winters, the vitamin D level drops down and causes stress to many of the people. This disturbs our circadian cycle, our internal clock, that controls sleep and wake cycles and makes a person feel lethargic and low in energy.

How to Get Rid of the Symptoms?

To get rid of it, try the following methods.

  1. Try to Get More Sunlight

Less sunlight does not mean that we do not get any sunlight at all. Try to get as much sunlight as possible in the winter. Go for a walk during your break or try some other activity like ice-skating or playing with kids to get as much light and sunlight as you can.

  1. Try Light Therapy

Other than spending maximum time under the sunlight, you can also try light therapy. The therapy uses lightboxes that have white fluorescent bulbs and the light mimics the real sunlight. Often, a therapist recommends this therapy and it helps in regulating the melatonin levels in our body and regulate our mood.


In some extreme cases, doctors prescribe some anti-depressants and medicine that could elevate the hormone levels and help in bettering the condition of the person.

A Healthy Lifestyle

Reports show that a healthy lifestyle helps in decreasing the symptoms of seasonal stress and depression. Exercise is nature’s antidepressant and 30 minutes of moderate daily exercise shows significant benefits for people suffering from SAD symptoms. Plus, it also wards off the winter weight gain problem.

Try Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy has shown immense and positive results in dealing with SAD symptoms. Besides, the therapy also shows promising results in people who are suffering from different forms of depression and anxiety. It is believed that if a person could control his thoughts, he could control the way he behaves also.

Besides all of these, you can also get an emotional support dog, cat or rabbit to keep your company in those cold and dark winter nights. Getting a genuine esa letter for housing is the only thing that you need to get a fluffy companion but first of all get your esa letter for housing.