Gamers Alert! Top 10 Most Awaited Games of 2020

Author: Robert Walt

New year is on its way. All the attention has been diverted to the video games to be launched in 2020. While the year 2019 is coming to an end, there are some existing releases of upcoming games 2020. Gaming enthusiasts are looking forward to video games as new innovations are emerging.

When it comes to video game releases, there are a plethora of genres to appeal to all sorts of gamers. There may be a lot of New PC games 2020 coming out but some are more anticipated than others. In this blog, we will look at Top 10 video games of 2020 that gamers are most looking forward to.

Top 10 Best Upcoming Games 2020

1. Cyberpunk 2077

It's no stretch to call Cyberpunk 2077 one of the most anticipated games of the year 2020, and it was true before anyone knew Keanu Reeves was going to be in the game. Based on the cyberpunk 2020 board game, Cyberpunk 2077 has an open world of six different regions. Developed by the team responsible for The Witcher 3, Cyberpunk 2077 is known to be one of the largest, deepest, and most intense upcoming PC games 2020. Expectations may be high, but Cyberpunk 2077 has what it takes to meet them. The game is expected to release in April next year, we will definitely learn more.

2. Last of Us Part II

The Last of Us Part II was announced at the PlayStation event in December 2016 and is expected to be released in the first quarter of 2020. "Last of us" is one of the most respected upcoming PS4 games 2020 on the 4th generation PlayStation. The rest of the suite is undeniable. Since the strange Sony E3 2018 conference, fans have barely heard of this game. As Sony skips the E3 2019, it seems from the news that "Last of Us Part II" is coming up soon, we hope to be under the form of an official release date.

3. Final fantasy 7

The original Final Fantasy VII came out in 1997 and it became a cult classic. Since then fans have been waiting for years to get a remake of Final Fantasy 7 and expectations for the game couldn't be higher. When the developers Square Enix announced it in 2015, gamers have been eagerly awaiting its release. It pays homage to the original with this reimagined release by creating a full-length version of just a small section of the original. Final Fantasy VII Remake has been built from the foundations, featuring full polygonal graphics instead of the pre-rendered environments of the original.

4. Halo Infinite

Halo Infinite is already one of the biggest upcoming Xbox games 2020 in the world, anticipation for the title has only grown following the announcement that it will be a launch title for Xbox Scarlett in the fourth quarter of 2020. Halo Infinite is positioned as something of a soft reboot of the franchise. It will continue the series' story but will re-imagine certain concepts a la God of War. It's also the first confirmed next-gen title and the most exciting Halo game since Bungie left the franchise.

5. Watch Dogs: Legion

Watch Dogs: Legion is surprisingly one of the most exciting new PS4 games 2020 after it made an announcement in 2019 and thus appears to be a fascinating game the players are looking forward to playing. This is especially after the first two games failed to live up to the hype and appeal to the new generation. The game which in London and it follows a hacker group, known as DedSec, as they try to fight the authorities who have turned the city into a surveillance state. Players will also be able to explore the city either by foot, using vehicles or fast-traveling using London’s Underground stations. The game lets you play as any Non-player Character (NPC) intelligently which may make it one of the most fascinating video games of 2020.

6. Ori and the Will of the Wisps

Ori and the Will Wisps surprised everyone with its incredible art style, wonderful puzzles, and fantastic soundtrack. This is a direct result of the success of Ori and Wall of the Wisps in 2015 and will be shown on Xbox One and PC on February 11, 2020. From what we have seen of Will of the Wisps so far suggests that it's going to be a formidable puzzle-platformer. The gameplay trailer released during 2019 gave us a deeper look at the gameplay.

7. Marvel’s Avengers

Marvel fans have waited for years to get a proper Avengers game, and Square Enix's secret Avengers project hasn't made the wait any easier. Now that we've actually seen a proper trailer, we can say with confidence that the results are mixed. But behind-closed-doors look at the actual gameplay left us slightly more hopeful for this Marvel title. There are plenty of reasons to be excited for this game, as Square Enix is committed to expanding and improving it for years after its release. If Square stays true to its vision, Marvel's Avengers could prove to be a definitive superhero title.

8. Dragon Ball Z

Not long ago, we would have been cautious to blindly recommend a Dragon Ball Z game, but the success of Dragon Ball Fighter Z may have kick-started a new era of high-quality Dragon Ball adaptations. Dragon Ball Super Edition adds a wonderful chapter to this long-standing performance. Undoubtedly, Dragon Ball Fighter Z is one of the best fighting games of this generation.

9. Destroy All Humans

For years, Destroy All Humans has been referred to as a cult classic game that will receive a well-deserved remake in 2020. Destroy All Humans, a new organization, will work with the original voice actors to restore the spirit and humor of the original game. In the remake, the player will be able to combine his mental athletic ability with extraterrestrial weapons, causing serious confusion. Unfortunately, players have to wait until 2020 to play the game.

10. Psychonauts

Psychonauts 2 was announced early in the 2015 Game Awards, developed by Double Fine, which is the long-awaited sequel to the original 2005 version. In Psychonauts 2, players will control Raz, a new graduate with a strong spiritual power. Players will use their power to explore the world through traditional and new platform elements. The video game is all set to be released on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.