Smart home Connectivity: Steps to Overcome Major Obstacles

Author: Rasika Joshi

According to Statista, the number of connected products will triple from 2018 to 2025 and reach an immense 75 a billion devices installed worldwide. Some of the best End-to-End IoT Solutions will come in smart homes scenario.

With the quick growth of the industry, says Steve Davidson, Steve Davidson, VP, Fortegra Warranty Group, the difficulty of these devices and their significance in the home, manufacturers and consumers are facing more and more hurdles in a connected future.


Generally, appliances with any kind of intelligence and data collection arise from various vendors, depend on various connectivity norms and have various network interfaces. Yet, the concept of a smart home assumes every device and sensor can work together and this generally fragmented environment can combine into a unified system.

Multiple Controls

Another problem that appears in a smart space that integrates remote household devices is multiple control spots, be it Smartphone apps of display panels.

Multiple touches points make a complex control among various IoT systems, even though one of the keys to well-organized user experience with IoT products is creating an even one-space experience across all the elements in a connected ecosystem.

Connecting to Consumers

Today, the market is immersed with appearing smart devices, individual and families of products.

Moreover, connected products continuously grow and transform year by year.

But, when it comes to home appliances, smart or not, consumers are susceptible to choose easy-to-use, reliable and most importantly, durable devices that don’t need essential learning and changing habits.

Familiar with such various issues, industry leaders can put serious attempt to resolve the challenge of connectivity and have created different strategies to assemble truly connected smart home products.

Concerns with complexity

Acquiring smart home products into the home may not be as simple as one may think. The process and the products themselves can be compound as well as time-consuming starting from the installation.

To protect consumers from feeling overwhelmed with smart home products, manufacturers are taking the required actions to better educate consumers while clarifying the process from start to finish. But many vendors are discovered that to be complex themselves.

Three smart home solutions

As a solution of these challenges, manufacturers are turning to new solutions and third parties to control the process of executing smart home devices — from installation to everything thereafter.

This assures smart appliances are worthwhile for consumers who are expending big resists on the latest home tech.

The following considerations will support to improve customer satisfaction and retention rates:

  1. 1. To clarify installations for customers needed that your appliances follow to the industry interoperability and compatibility norms. These uniform standards will make installation simpler to hold for the average consumer and any potential installation professionals.
  2. Customers will also be capable to interface their new appliance better with the other smart appliances already in their homes from various manufacturers.
  3. 2. Consider expanding your own ‘smart repair’ service network or supplying additional technical training for existing repair personnel.
  4. Having an IT center for troubleshooting system errors, managing security protocols and addressing connectivity concerns for customers would also increase your programmed success.
  5. 3. Many third-party administrators’ providers are now generating smart home device protection programmers as well as cover repairs and replacement, plus they give tech support to help consumers navigate any connected home difficulties.
  6. Partnering with a provider will allow you access to these support services without having to evolve and control these programmers on your own.

Although the smart home market is developing; questions about product complexity, installation concerns and long-term maintenance have set some hurdles for consumers and manufacturers alike.

However, with the help of system compatibility norms, improved repair services and tech support, manufacturers and consumers alike can truly take benefit of all the advantages smart home connectivity has to provide.

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