5 Myths About Root Canals
Most people cringe when they hear the phrase "root canal." In today’s world, there is a stigma surrounding the root canal procedure. It is usually viewed as an extremely painful procedure that could lead to a patient developing major health issues. In reality, there is no scientific evidence linking health concerns to root canal procedures. The modern root canal procedure is extremely safe and allows many patients to live healthier lives after undergoing a root canal extraction. Let’s look at some common misconceptions about root canals and uncover the truth so patients can be correctly informed.
1. Root Canal Treatments Cause Severe Pain
No, root canal treatment relieves pain. One of the reasons a patient undergoes root canal treatment is because they are experiencing intolerable pain and want relief. As for the procedure itself, it’s actually far more comfortable than you might imagine. In fact, with anesthesia and the latest dental technology, most patients find that the hype about painful root canals is simply farce. The view that root canal treatment is painful is spread by people that may have received the treatment decades ago, or never at all. In a recent survey, it was shown that people who have actually undergone the treatment are six times more likely to describe it as painless than those who have not. So, the truth is that the stigma is mostly supported by people who have never received the treatment.
2. Pulling Your Tooth is Better than a Root Canal
Natural teeth are always preferred to artificial teeth for esthetics and functionality. There are several options available for missing teeth, such as dentures, partial dentures, dental implants and fixed dental bridges, however, these alternatives can be much more expensive than saving your tooth with a root canal treatment.
3. Root Canals Require Many Visits to the Dentist
With today’s advanced technology, root canals can typically be performed in just one or two office visits. The root canal procedure requires removing the infected tooth’s pulp, cleaning out the root canal, sealing the hole, and then placing a crown over the tooth to ensure its strength. Every case is different, but most cases only require 1-2 visits.
4. Root Canal Procedures are Only Necessary When Experiencing Pain
While a throbbing toothache usually results in the need for root canal treatment, many times a tooth can require root canal treatment when there is no pain present. Dentists and endodontists are specially trained to test a tooth to see if the pulp has been infected or damaged. If this is the case, a root canal would be necessary to save the tooth. While pain is one indicator that pulp is damaged, some people experience no discomfort at all.
5. Root Canals Cause Cancer
The false claim that root canals and cancer are linked has been circulating for the last fifty years. The American Association of Endodontists explains that there is no valid, scientific evidence linking root canal-treated teeth and disease elsewhere in the body. A root canal is a safe and effective procedure.
Be sure to visit your Los Angeles dentist regularly to maintain healthy teeth and speak with your dentist if you feel you need a root canal procedure and have anxiety surrounding it.